Why Wednesday

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I think Wednesday's round 2DB is the most popular place for yall to be....lol yall know what it is so here ya go:

Chrissy's Why's

* Why i had chicken for breakfast, with hotsauce....

*Why was it soooooooooo good to me

* Why botox lady @ my job feel the need to pick on me

*Why hubby think turning the gotdamn air on is up for debate, negro turn it on and STFU it's hot

*Why his ass grew up in the projects and he ain't used to central heat and air so it could be 102 degrees outside and he chillin while the rest of us sweatin'

*Why on the radio lmao they talking bout a story where a man and woman got married, and HE took HER last name

*Why that is the most bitchassness shyt i have ever heard lmmfao

*Why bobble better come throo here and tear the roof off this why wednesday with her retro ass.....

Bammy's why's

Why my why's got deleted and i gotta type them over?

Why I can't remember most of them?

Why Chrissy got a botox lady at her job and i got a crazy man at mine?

Why when I left the island gas was at $5.05 (cheapest)

Why when I came back the sh!t is up to $5.34?

Why I feel like crying bout that?

Why I didn't wanna leave Atlanta?

Why Atlanta got so many cute guys?

Why i think if i lived in Atlanta i'd have 30 boyfriends?

Why I think they should make Charmed into a movie?

Why was that last why so random?


Anonymous said...

why bammy even watch charm

why i got a why bout the movie friday

why if craig had just got paid that day was they running round tryna to get big worm his money, craig just got paid right????? so why not use that money???

random ass why, matter fact i got alot of why's bout that movie....

Anonymous said...

why am I feeling the *ambiance* in my new restaurant so much?

why can't I get rid of these damn headaches?

why do I have to do a sleep study?

why am I not so keen on having people watch me while I sleep?

why am I so intrigued by this new restaurant?

Anonymous said...

why imma spruce up the place so O can stay intrigued...

why my sister did a sleep study last week O, and she said it wasn't that bad, she kinda just dozed off and she didn't pay attention to the ppl watching her...

why O, bammy and me need to get MRI's cause we stay getting headaches

why i think i know why O so smitten with the ambience here....

504 said...

why bobble's hubby sounds like me ?

why i be riding with my windows down in my 2007 ride ?

why i be chilling at home with the ceiling fans on & content ?

why my b/f comes over & tries to freeze me out of commission ?

why he told me he ate ribs at 8am yesterday ?

why bobble eating chicken made me think of that ?

why she needs to tell the botox lady that she had a wrinkle on her face so she can go see the doctor (refer to kool moe dee) ?

why bammy needs to just move to the atl & marry lupe cause he's a cutie ?

why i never noticed until recently ?

why i'm sitting here thinking bout sweatin into the oldies ?

why is onan a barbarian ?

why is that so eff'in funny to me ?

why i give props to hip hop so hip hop horaaaaaaaaay hooooooooo haaaaaaaay hoooooo ?

why ya'll bet'not say what wrong with bobble ?

why it ain't freestyle friday yet ?

why i need a nap ?

why i bet nobody misses me in the forum ?

why my why's are kinda dry today ?

why maybe after lunch it'll get better ?

Anonymous said...

why i wanna know how da hell gon go from 5.05-5.34 in a matter of days?????

why gas prices make me wanna cry too bammy so don't feel bad

why my daughter said the other day that when we go to the gas station i get the "mad face"

why i couldn't do nothing but laugh @ her ass cause i am willing to bet i prolly do look mad as hell....

Anonymous said...

Why 504 don't know that Onan the barbarian misses her in the forum?

Why I had to tell Bammy that I aint need her SHUT IT cause I get plenty SHUT IT from 504?

Why Chrissy so sure she know why I may or may not be smitten?

Bahama said...

LOL @ yall

Why we all be getting these dangerous headaches?

Why all the while i was away i didn't get a headache once?

WHy as soon as the plane touched down in Nassau my head started to hurt?

Why am i hungry again?

Why i wanna know what's wrong with charmed?

Anonymous said...

why bobble and my hubby be tripping turning on damn ceiling fans that is blowing round hot ass air

why hubby really be pissed cause i will turn the air on and my mofo fan and get in the bed naked so i can cool off

why i told his ass last night this the last time we gon argue bout this air playboy you cold get a blanket and go to sleep cause imma turn it on

why 2 yrs ago, our damn air went out and the part needed to fix it was gonna take a day or to to get in so we was in texas, bout 102 degrees on a regualr day, hot as fucking hell, me and the kids walking round the house, in our undies eating popsicles, and hubby sitting round on the couch i kid yall not, dressed head to toe in black talking bout i don't know what yall tripping on i feel fine

why he then gon get pissed when i was like look we going to home depot, and i am buying one of them window units till the part gets here to fix our air, cause it's hot as hell this fool was like naw that would be a waste of money, you can't take it back and get ya money after you buy it so why even do that???? why i get mad and say idiot cause it's hotter than hell in here and we got asthmatic kids i then proceeded to tell him that just cause his ass grew up with no a/c and when it was hot his momma prolly told him to lay ya ass down somewhere and be still then don't mean i grew up that way.....

why i told that random ass story iono just thought i'd share....

Bahama said...

why bammy needs to just move to the atl & marry lupe cause he's a cutie ?

Why i would if i could?

Why i think he's from chi town though?

Why i just wanna move to ATL?

Why i missed a chance to see Pharrell up close?

Why i went to a car dealership place yesterday and they had a new V6 Camry for 54 THOUSAND dollars?

Why is that alot of money to me for a car?and not even a damn Benz or nothing

Anonymous said...

why i have no clue what is wrong with charmed bammy,lol

why i am dying offa you calling our headaches dangerous....

why i know what the cause of my headaches are....nosy ass co-workers

Bahama said...

why 2 yrs ago, our damn air went out and the part needed to fix it was gonna take a day or to to get in so we was in texas, bout 102 degrees on a regualr day, hot as fucking hell, me and the kids walking round the house, in our undies eating popsicles, and hubby sitting round on the couch i kid yall not, dressed head to toe in black talking bout i don't know what yall tripping on i feel fine
Why is that SOOOOOOOo funny to me? I got tears in my eyes

Anonymous said...

why am I feeling Chrissy on the a/c thing?

why do people clown me cause I drive my car with the a/c on and the windows open?

Why do I keep a fan on in my bedroom 365 days a year?

why do lizard ass, warm blooded mofos assume that everyone wants to be a sweaty mess like them?

why is everyone in my office afraid to turn on the a/c and get yelled at except me?

why am I running the a/c in my area right now and the rest of the front office is sweating with the door open?

Anonymous said...

lmmfao fa real bammy i stayed in a sports bra and panties those 2 days, and kept taking cold showers to cool off, my son just got stark naked @ one point, and when the guy came back with the art 2 days later, i was like God bless you....

Anonymous said...

Why do I keep a fan on in my bedroom 365 days a year?
^^^^^^ lmao why that's me O....

Anonymous said...


Bahama said...


why i don't even turn on my a/c?

why i live on a hill by the water so the ocean breeze cools me off?

why though during the day i'm glad i'm in an office cause if i was home i'd have to use the a/c

Anonymous said...

why i can't live by an ocean breeze lol

Bahama said...

why not? it's cool and with the fan going it's comfy, lol but it did take some getting use to, lol

Anonymous said...

Why did Petey (my backyard possum)turn out to be Peterella? She showed up last at my back step with a baby possum! (Lawd, take me now!)

Why am I wondering what possums eat? Cause I haven't seen that black and white cat in my yard lately.

Why is Katie Cruise starting to look and pose like Victoria Beckham? They look like wax figures. ***Creepy***

Why did Mariah marry Nick Cannon? When he kisses, he puckers his mouth up like a blow fish. (Ugh)

Why am I not watching American Idol and America's Next Top Model any more? Just the thought of looking at them makes me sick.

Why do I think Lil Bro is not strange to run a fan 365 days a year? Uh, doesn't everybody?

Why did I buy that HipHop tell all book and that ***bleep*** didn't out one single rapper, singer, or tranny! Nothin! What a rip off!

Anonymous said...

why am I so jealous of bammy for living on a hill by the water?

Anonymous said...

Why did Petey (my backyard possum)turn out to be Peterella? She showed up last at my back step with a baby possum! (Lawd, take me now!)

Why am I wondering what possums eat? Cause I haven't seen that black and white cat in my yard lately.

^^^^^why i am done fa the day offa that shit......lmmfatfo

Bahama said...


Why Dalia named her pet possum?

Why is there even a possum as a pet?

Why i can't stop laughing

504 said...

why bobble calling her hubby "playboy " is soooo eff'in funny to me ?

why i feel missed by Onan ?

why everytime you put on jeans, you gotta stuff the pocket back in ?

why i feel like whying about house party ?

why which kid n play did that whack ass battle, home girl was dancing like her life depended on it ?

why i wish i was there so i could've pushed herdown to make her stop ?

why i soooo love that dance battle ?

why homegirl's project house reminded me of my best friend from high school's house cause there was always somebody home ?

why full force messed up their sexy with the jheri curl ?

why the thought of some sexy ass men walking 'round with jheri curls so funny to me ?

why they ugly too ?

why i could put a paper bag over their had & pasted a pic of boris k, they could get it something proper ?

why martin couldn't chew some mints or gum so he could get some play ?

why play annoyed the hell outta me with his JJ the playa mentality ?

why he wasn't all that to me ?

why he could've still gotten it tho ?

why i need to stop ?

why i told ya'll that i won't stop ?

504 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why have I not watched one episode of American Idol this season and I am actually proud of that fact?

Why did I actually run my fan 24/7 in my old place where I didn't have to pay for electric?

Why that fan run 24/7 for a whole year and never burn up?

Why I wish I coulda married Mariah's rich azz?

Why I love Mariah even if she is crazy?

504 said...

why i'm mad cause Dalia didn't name him/her roscoe like i'd request ?

504 said...

why i HAVE to sleep with my fan on every night even in the winter ?

why did mariah marry nick ?

why i know mariah is black but black men is not what i expected her to marry, 'pecially a young one who recently got unengaged ?

why i just made up a word ?

why i know ya'll mad cause i got it like that ?

Anonymous said...

Rollin @ 504! Onan, your Mariah fetish is crazeeee!!!

Bammy, you and Chrissy better stop laughin at my possum. She's family now! LMAOOOO!

And may the black & white cat rest in "piece"!!!

Anonymous said...

Why has Mariah been sexy to me since them Tommy Mattola days?

Why is Dalia on here talking about her possum?

Why did Dalia even have a possum?

Anonymous said...

why imma get back on house party

why that chick you was talking bout dancing bobble was dancing like ole girl on miss rap supreeme

why i am willing to bet kid was the one with dragon breath

why that dance battle still my fav part

why i love it when they doing that wack ass rap battle kid tell play "step to tha stage, too late i blew it up" shit kills me

why bobble calling full force sesay

why she need mo ppl on that

why that squeaky voiced one was no where near sesasy

why them cops was a mofo joke

why sharane (sp) outfit was off the hook

why i would wear it today

why i bet bobble would too

why i bet bobble like sysney;s outfit better than sharane's

why that girl in the green tube dress popping the gum had matching green socks, lime green @ that

Anonymous said...

why is 504 house party rant soooo effin funny to me???

why i be thinkin the same thing about full force and the jheri curls?

why is jheri curls so freakin funny period?

why people still rock those down here in h-town? Seriously...

why i had a co-worker back in the day who could have auditioned for full force and made it with his sessay body and jheri curl?

why me and my co-workers used to pray over him to cut that shit off?

why he like ninja shit too?

why my current co-worker hommie tell me I look mal-nurished?

why i couldn't even get mad at her because i do?

why am i like extra tired, eyes like sunken, and i feel like all the life has been sucked right outta me as of late?

why i feel like i need to eat a banana or some shit to nurish myself?

why do i wanna cry everytime I walk into my job because i LOATH it so much?

why is that unhealthy to me?

why does all who why sound like they high?

why when you high do things start making sense or stop makin sense?

why do you really feel like a genious with some of the shit you be thinking about?

why am i like at withdrawal because I put the ganja down?

why should ya'll now know who i am based on me letting the ganja go?

why do I miss ganja like whitney miss crack that is whack?

why was i like a free spirit hippie when me and ganja were friends?

why can i probably pass a drug test now?

why was this lacyd?

Jay Midnyte said...

Sup yall

Why Onan fiending for some Mariah??

Why they testing the gas prices on Bam Bam n them like they some guinea pigs?

Why Pliers is actually intelligent but he raps like a bafoon? lol

Why 504 should write a book capturing the vibrant 80's early 90's era?

Why we should all start adopting dirty ass racoons, possums, squirrels, rabbits lol

Why Chrissy was prolly in love with that BIG nicca in Baby Boy that banged Tyrese moms??

Anonymous said...

why robin harris didn't have mo parts in that movie

why that fat fool @ sharane house talking bout fix me somma that dick gregory is sooooooooooooooooo funny to me

why i bet ain't none of yall know clifton powell was in that movie lmmfao

why yall gon be like who?????

why bobble gon be like bitch please you know i knew his ass was in there

Anonymous said...

why people still rock those down here in h-town? Seriously...

^^^^^ why i saw a dude here in dallas looking like johnnie taylor lacd with his juicy coture curl i was like da hell it's 2008 give it up already

Anonymous said...

Why Chrissy was prolly in love with that BIG nicca in Baby Boy that banged Tyrese moms??

^^^^^ lmmfao why you think i wasn't he was sessay as hell when he got that damn suit on with the stacy adams shoes i was throo ving rhames in baby boy could get it.....

Anonymous said...

why am i like at withdrawal because I put the ganja down?
^^^^lmmfao why if hubby stop smoking he be acting like a bitch on her cycle....

Anonymous said...

why have I never been high or drunk in my entire life?

why did all my friends get high but not me?

why did I grow up with weed in the house but never wanted any?

why is my system so clean I should sell my urine for piss tests?

why is that not really a bad idea?

Anonymous said...

why do i sleep with ceiling and floor fans on for the sound and not the cool breeze?

why do i need to hear something in my background to go to sleep?

why do i think that's an OCD?

why do i probably burn more energy in my place when i'm sleep than when i'm awake with fans and tv's on?

why am i the lightest sleeper in the history of sleepers?

why is my son's room waaaaaay across my place and i can hear when he moves basically (even over the fans)?

why he can stay up all night watching spongebob dvd's and not go to sleep until about 5 and I wake him up like he's on punishment for not sleeping all night?

why will he walk in my room to make me start the dvd over if it stopped?

why he reverting back to infancy with the stayin up all night shit?

why if i turn off spongebob it's like world war 3?

why do i know dora and diego songs?

why is it actually interesting to me sometimes? GO DIEGO GO!!!

why is this lacyd again why'in about my child?

Anonymous said...

why i am shocked O ain't tainted??? and he got a clean system

why i am having a hard time believeing that

why my hubby would buy ya piss in a min O

Anonymous said...

why is clifton powell in every damn thing??

why is clifton powell so in demand?

why is clifton powell a screen and stage veteran now?

why do I miss the hell outta robin harris?

why was robin harris the second funniest man ever after richard pryor?

Anonymous said...

why i am dying of lacy son and them dvd's

why i'd be mad as hell if my kids woke me up talking bout the dvd went off

why i am glad they are both now self sufficient and really don't need me fa shit

Anonymous said...

lmmfao why clifton powell done been in every damn movie ever made period

why i agree robin harris was funny as hell

why richard pryor was so damn funny

why comics nowadays ain't no where near as funny as the old school ones.....

Jay Midnyte said...

Why I feel you Onan I've never been TWISTED in my life... seen to much of that shit in my fam.

LOL Why I knew Chrissy would be like U GOT ME BENT if I thought she didn't like rhames?

Why I'm a "cyclical" weed smoker, smoke for a few weeks, stop for a few months, smoke a month, stop for 2...

Kaliente said...


-why when i read Chriss comment about the mri and headaches...i thought of that LIL' Wayne interview when he was talkin bout his snot..WTF

-why is today only Wednesday

-WHY BD talkin that hot shyt again about what he misses..blah blah blah

-why did i even entertain him

-why do i feel like i need a drink asap

-why them the black girl Tanesha on Bad girls club had to go to jail and she ain't do nothin

-why i ain't go to bed until 3am watchin bad girls club

Anonymous said...

lmao why i think J finally getting that i loves me some big ole black ass men

why J and O good ole boys cause they don't get twisted

lmao why am i dying offa J and his weed smoking

why i bet the weed in denver is lacluster @ best....that is why you smoke it every now and then

Kaliente said...

LMAO, why r y'all so crazy

why y'all be goin so hard in th A.M., but then after a while me and Chriss be in here whylin by ourselves

why do y'all leave us hangin

Why am i also jealous of Bammy and her description of her nice breeze since she stays by the water

why that last comment made me think of that song by Noel Gourdin - The River

why is Midget Mac from my city?

why the hoz be on him?

why he be havin celeb parties?

why we only got like 3 hot clubs here...lmao

and like 3 malls...seriously

why i cannot wait until i go on break so that i can get something to eat

Jay Midnyte said...

depends... the white boys that stay in the mountains and hills and shit always got the bomb from CA

Anonymous said...

why midget mac a pimp

why i think me and K be in here tripping cause we the last foos left working

why i am tripping offa the 3 malls shit

why when ppl walk throo here they turn around to see if i am @ my desk

why the next time somebody do that, imma make a face they ass

Anonymous said...

why J-nyte be killing me with his tales of the denver mountains....but i love it

Anonymous said...

why was i afraid to mix alcohol and weed in my sinnin days about a month ago?

why is onan no longer cool because he's never been high?

why i wanna be the bad kid at the party and make him look lame because he won't try any and all the other kids are doing it?

why at that point would the cops come and bust everyone but onan who will probably sell me out as i hide in the back closet?

why when i get back to school after being bailed out by my parents would I gather up my crew and try to jump onan?

why would i video tape it and put it up on you tube and get busted again?

why is my imagination about me being a bad kid at the party so freakin ridiculous?

why do I kid onan, i believe you've never been high and that makes you alright with me?

but why do i secretely still wanna currupt onan and he is now my project? where you stay onan, i'm on my way, i got somethin for ya!!!

why is this lacyd again and this why rant is dedicated to onan and his new business...clean piss are us!!!!!

Anonymous said...

why yo husband stop being friends with ganja chrissy? i was gonna ask him for some?

why we both actin like bitches on our disability?

why i call it disability because i feel disabled?

why has the phrase caught on with everyone I know?

why i can't wait for my son to be "self sufficient"?

why the only thing he's self sufficient at is opening the refrigerator and takin shit out and either eating it or spilling it on the floor?

why do most ganja fans i know smoke like jay midnight? pick it up and stop like night and day?

why is this lacyd again?

Anonymous said...

why is my new business motto "Clean Piss R Us! Urine Good Hands With Us"?

Anonymous said...

lmao why he would never stop Lacy d, i am just saying when he out he act like a bitch on the rag

why lacy d story bout corrupting O sound like a damn after school story

why i want no parts of it

why i feel lacy d on her disability, she should try to get a check...

why i bet she gon backslide

why i wouldn't even be mad @ her tho

why i am joking no backsliding, but if ya so you still cool with me

Anonymous said...

why do i want some fries from popeyes and that's it?

why they have to be hot and crispy in order for me to enjoy them?

why am i gonna go and order a box of them and that will be my lunch?

why am i gonna demand that they drop them right when i order them and not give me the ones they fried at 9 this morning?

why am i from texas and hate buscuits?

why do i feel like buscuits and chicken really don't go together?

why do i feel like plain ol bread is a better fit?

why do people put chicken on a breakfast menu? chicken will never be breakfast food to me. Only beef and pork.

why if you gonna fry a chicken breast and put it on a buscuit, you may as well give a person a drumstick and a buscuit?

why am i starving now because i've been talking about chicken and popeye's fries?

why is this a starving lacyd again?

why i don't give a fuck if i'm alone why-ing?

Poppa Patent said...

why I feel like the Incredible Hulk after a workout

why when I see somebody I don't wanna say hi tew, I find a distraction

why I can sleep 14 hrs after a workout and it's raining outside

why in the summer I water my grass just so it can sound like rain on my window so I can sleep longer

why I had hash and a long john donut for breakfast

why I can eat donuts anytime, anyplace

why I have to reschedule 2 days this week

why I get compliments on my fake 'style' glasses

why the only reason I aint got cable is because I know it will interfere with my workout plan cuz I'll be watching ESPN all day

why do farts stay in your seat, wait for you to come back and be like 'Raaaahhhh!!!!! I know you forgot about me!!!!'

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why imma tell lacyd all the things my kids can do and i taught they ass to do it @ young age so i would be off the hook

why they use the microwave like a pro

why they can fix me breakfast if i wanted them to

why my oldest is the best big sister, she do for her lil brother like it ain't nothing

why i still gotta iron they clothes but my daughter is getting better @ it so that too will no longer be a chore of mine

why i bet yall reading this and thinking damn she treat her kids like slaves

why i really don't i consider it as them paying me back for they room and board

Anonymous said...

why is my new business motto "Clean Piss R Us! Urine Good Hands With Us"?


that is the corniest, most funniest motto in the world!!!!!!!!!!! you got my eyes all teared up on that one o!!! 2 funny!!!

Anonymous said...

why do farts stay in your seat, wait for you to come back and be like 'Raaaahhhh!!!!! I know you forgot about me!!!!'


Why is that even funnier than onan's motto?????

why is this lacyd again and ya'll got me cryin today.

Anonymous said...

why just seeing P name irritate me

why i was irritated cause i thought he was gon be talking all that client bs

why i wanna know what he gotta reschdule

why i think i have a clue what it is

Poppa Patent said...

why my 6 y/o niece asks so many questions

why when she tell a story she always gotta say 'And Then...'

why she always start crying when her parents tell her it's time to go home

why she smart enough to know they can bring her her clothes the next day

why I be Glad twice when my family come to my house. GLAD to see 'em, and even more GLAD to see 'em leave

why I'm dreading this trip this weekend cuz it wasn't in my financial plans

why I aint received my IRS Stimulus check yet

why I be thinkin of ways to get A$$ on the job

why I have a fetish about doin it in unfamiliar places

why when I was a kid, my friends wouldn't dare me cuz I would dew anything (within reason)

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why I be thinkin of ways to get A$$ on the job

why I have a fetish about doin it in unfamiliar places

^^^^^lmao why you prolly ain't the only man who think and feel that way

why i hope ya niece drive you bananas

why i can so see ya ass thinking gawd please shutup already

why i hope she keep saying And Then when she telling a story

why i hope she also ask why when you tell her to do stuff

why i bet P's niece is the reason he has no kids yet

why i understand that tho....

why i say P need to throw a party and invite all his niece's friends to come tear up his house....

Poppa Patent said...

why mtw know me like the back of my hand (yes my hand)

why my reschedule is about a client

why when I get rid of one client I have 2 more to replace that one

why some days I wish I didn't have to manage my time so much

why I think I'll be ready for the Tour de France now that my legs and heart are gettin Stronger

why I'm ready to ignore a rule of mines of not having sex with a neighbor

why do I ignore consequences associated with Sex

why the consequences don't hit me till I'm 25 minutes into the sexsion or right after I'm thru

why did I mention my clients

Why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

Why is THAT?

^^^^why has that KRS-One joint been running through my head all morning?

so ask yourself?

Anonymous said...

why P started talking bout them clients cause he know it irk me

why he still calling me mtw

why he have so much sex

why he a nympho

why is that funny as hell to me that P is prolly a sex addict

Poppa Patent said...

why when I hear music in my neighborhood I have to Blast my system to let 'em know who's 'Boss' (spoken in my Rick Ross voice)

why I play all kinds of music on my system except Country

why when I play my Mambo music, Tito Puenta, Linda Ronstadt, Mambo All Stars and such people look at me like 'Wow! I never heard of that' then when I play 'I Like it Like That' by Tito Nieve they be like 'That's my Jammm!!!!

why I need to get my Mambo CDs back from one of my clients

why I can act like I speak the language and make clients call me Papi while we in a sexsion

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why P so full of shit

why a bitch calling you papi is some mo bullshit

why p insist on running me hot

why it's gay to listen to linda ronstadt

why i would never call a dude papi while he getting it

why i'd call him daddy maybe but papi no

why p black as all get out but think he cuban or puerto rican, papi my ass

Poppa Patent said...

why has that KRS-One joint been running through my head all morning?

so ask yourself?

^^^^That's Whassup! Onan!! You on your Hip Hop $h!t

I got 100 guns 200 clips, goin to New York, New York

why he a nympho

why is that funny as hell to me that P is prolly a sex addict

^^^^why mtw know me so well

why I think I need to go to them meetings

why I sometimes Masturbate after a sexsion

why I can watch porn all day and think nothing wrong with it

why when a sexsion gets boring to me I can think back to a porn and make it more exciting, for me

why I can go without porn and when it comes to my mind I'm like an addict

why I just disclose that

why I think I could be a porn star with no problem

why I know that aint gon happen

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why am I about to eat spaghetti for lunch, knowing I got a white shirt on?

why do I have to be somewhere after work and I won't have time to go home and change?

why do I know I am going to get something on this shirt but this spaghetti is so damn good I don't care?

Anonymous said...

why I sometimes Masturbate after a sexsion
^^^^^da hell??

why P as the next byron long stroke is a mofo joke

why i am bout sick to death of ya sex life but i can't stop reading bout it

why you choke ya chicken if you just got some nookie

why that is a shining exampkle you a sex fiend

why i think you don't even care tho that you are

why am i still talking to you P

why i can answer that, cause you piss me off in the worst way but i be laughing too cause you are so full of it...

Anonymous said...

why am i wondering who cooked the spaghetti

why i bet it was that hamburger helper shit that my family loves and i hate

Poppa Patent said...

why have I thought of many porn names for myself, but the only one that I like is NIN aka Nine Inch Nail

why I just thought about my last sexsion and how the client had on a wife beater and when I was hittin from the back I was pullin on it like I was a jockey on a horse in the Kentucky Derby

why I was smackin her A$$ on both sides with my right hand and pullin the wife beater with my left

why I almost busted out laughin but got back into 'Character' so she wouldn't think I was laughin at her

why is THAT?

Kaliente said...

LMAO @ P...

why I'm laughin at how Chriss fired off on P

why am i almost spit out my drink readin about O and his spaghetti with his white shirt

why is it that if you had on a dark shirt, you wouldn't spill shyt

why i wish i had some dayum spaghetti...of course with sugar. hey, i like sweet spaghetti!

why i also think P is a nympho

why when i type P i think of Master P



Unknown said...

Heeey everybody, let's get to it:

why I made a Ciroc and pineapple slushie today for lunch

why today happy hour starts at 4:00 and I'm leaving work at 3:45

why hubby has the kids until Friday and I don't know what to do with myself

why one of my friends is a bar maid at this new bar where everything on the shelf is $3.00 ( I love Chicago)

why I feel like I can buy the bar and everybody in it

why this dip I talk to on the phone everynow and then wants to come drinking with me today

why I really want him to so I can tell him how I really feel about him

why am I a mean drunk and I use that as an excuse to tell ppl how I really feel about them

why is Thursday's the apology day

Anonymous said...

why my spaghetti got shrimp and ground turkey in the sauce?

why its got fresh whole wheat pasta from whole food market?

why chrissy think a brotha is eating hamburger helper spaghetti?

why just when I think she getting it she show me she still got much more to go?

why did I put the Lawry's away too soon?

Anonymous said...

why i wanna know who puts sugar on spaghetti

why i be firing off on P cause he full of shit K

why he feel the need to tell us how he be smacking ho's ass

why ain't no way possible he having that much sex cause he penis would have fallen off by now

why is it we know nothing bout O and J-nytes sexual escapades, but we know all P bidness

why i am willing to bet that J and O will keep they bidness to themselves, but P will continue to volunteer his info

Anonymous said...

why O skraight clowing me? lmao

why he a chef now

why i so want somma his spaghetti

why that last sentence was full of sexual overtones

why O don't get that i will prolly NEVER get it, but i will alwyas pretend like i do lol

why he gon go off on that

why i can't wait for him to go off

why is that another sexually charged sounding sentence

why P got me sounding as sexually addicted as his ass is

Unknown said...

why P got me going and I think I want to be one of his clients

why don't I think I'm old enough

why I want to hear some more about P's sex life

why is that so exciting for me

Anonymous said...

why imma school my girl Jacelyn real quick bout P

why P gon hate me for it

why bobble ain't here to help me school Jacelyn

why P full of Shit Jacelyn

why he stay telling tales and being the ghetto/classy version (in his eyes anyway) of aesop

why you right bout the fact that you ain't old nuff tho

why i firmly believe that if a dude can put it down, he gon stfu bout it and show you better than he can tell you

Unknown said...

why I'm sipping on my slushie right now and it's sooooo goood

why all I need is some chicken and a pillow and I would be on cloud 9

Anonymous said...

why I just thought about my last sexsion and how the client had on a wife beater and when I was hittin from the back I was pullin on it like I was a jockey on a horse in the Kentucky Derby

^^^^^^^why my first thought was "If she breaks her leg is he gonna have to shoot her?"

Anonymous said...

^^^^^^^why my first thought was "If she breaks her leg is he gonna have to shoot her?"


Anonymous said...

^^^^^^^why my first thought was "If she breaks her leg is he gonna have to shoot her?"


Unknown said...

^^^^^^^why my first thought was "If she breaks her leg is he gonna have to shoot her?"

why is that the funniest thing I have heard all year

why is that sad

Kaliente said...

LMAO..chile u better try that sugar w/ spaghetti!!!!!

dayum why is it taking so long for 1pm to roll around...i'm starving!!!!

why i might only end up getting a grilled cheese with tomatoes on it w/ some sunchips...mmmmm my hungry azz!

why i might get a BLT w/ pepperjack cheese?

why O spaghetti sounds so good!

why i wanna know who cooked it also!!!!

Kaliente said...

why is jac over there sippin at work...r u at work? lol

Anonymous said...

why i am never putting sugar on any kinda pasta, period lmao

why i bet you put sugar on rice too K which is also gross

why yall need to quit with the food talk

why i want somma that spaghetti too K, maybe he will save us some

Anonymous said...

why is jac over there sippin at work...r u at work? lol

^^^^^ why that ran cross my mind too, but i just assumed she was like a boss and could do that....lol

Poppa Patent said...

why P got me going and I think I want to be one of his clients

^^^why you can be one of my 'Distant' Clients

why don't I think I'm old enough

^^^why if you legal you can get it

why I want to hear some more about P's sex life

^^^^why I have so much tew tell

why is that so exciting for me

^^^why yes, it is

why I can go on forever tellin you what I'd dew, but where you at? You neither here nor there, I swear I can't find you anywhere. Won't you meet me in my closet or under my rug, this love slurp is gonna make you bug (Interpolation of 'I Need Love' by LL Cool J as I lick my lips and smile at Jacelyn)

Why is THAT?

Unknown said...

Yes K I'm at work

why I want yall to continue with the sex talk

why I want my "Dip" to hit it but his back does not look that strong

Unknown said...

why I am the HBIC and I wish a mofo would try to inspect what's in my happy cup

@ P why I have a big Kool Aid smile on my face

why I bet you have strong hands

why I wish I knew how you smell

why is that turning me on, tell me MORE....

Anonymous said...

why chrissy and K assume I aint cook it myself?

why if I was to tell my sex story it would be like haiku....only 3 lines and after you read it, it still don't make sense?

Anonymous said...

why i am mad cause Jacelyn falling for P lmmfao

why i am also disgusted and hoping it's that damn liquor talking that got my girl tripping

why that niggas hands ain't skrong he work in a gotdamn office for gawds sake what they skrong from withstanding papercuts

why i am dying cause K said she don't think his back is strong

why i like the sex talk too, but P gotta dominate it all the time and hypnotize my homies with his BS when he come in here

why i sound like the bitter i can't get no man ever girlfriend right now...

Anonymous said...

why if I was to tell my sex story it would be like haiku....only 3 lines and after you read it, it still don't make sense?

^^^^^^ why that got me wondering what da hell kinda sex you having

and why i don't care who made the spaghetti O, i still want some

Poppa Patent said...

why I wish I knew how you smell
^^^Think Burberry

why is that turning me on, tell me MORE....
^^^why I wish I knew your myspace page so I could see you

why I wear Magnums when I put in work

why my motto is to "Protect and Serve" when I put on my equipment

why I need to put Magnums on my grocery list

why when I buy Magnums I make sure I go at the counter where I see a potential Client

why I act all Non-chalant like Magnums is like buying Sugar or butter

why white women dew a double take when they see magnums in my cart

why the lady at the register sometimes scans the box twice

why I wish there wasn't a barcode on the Magnums so I could here the girl holler out "Price Check on MAGNUMS!!!! Can someone go to the Toiletry section and give me a Price check on Magnums!!!"

why would that be sooooooo funny tew me

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

wait, that was J who said she want her dip to hit it girl you are wild today....lol

Unknown said...

why Chrissy got me lmao...

why am I still with u, I just need some excitement in my life

why I bet O is the ish behind closed doors...

why do I want O to open up

Kaliente said...


CHriss why the alc got Jac inquiring about P...

why i know P sittin over there with a huge grin on his face

why i don't eat sugar on rice:) LOL although i may try it..haha

why when i went downstairs to get my food, somthing smelled sooooooooooo good. turns out they made chicken stir fry over veggie rice.....why is this shyt BUSSIn...LMAO

LMAO@ Jacz "Happy cup"

why one of my old J.O. called me around 12:30?

why i think it might be his babymomma

why i think that because i only talk to his azz via txt, or late night

why is that so funny to me

Anonymous said...

why i swear fo gawd P pissing me off on purpose

why he know imma come back and discredit all that shit

why a real nigga that is hung to tha floor like u wish you were can't even put a magnum on cause he can't fit it

why i bet P prolly bout 5 inches when he hard

why white women or women period do a double take when they see them rubbers cause they thinking: ain't he too mofo old fa this shit shouldn't he be married, omg that bastard cheating on his wife least he using protection, but i think he need to take those back and just get regular ole trojans, did i put bread on my shopping list?????

why if Jacelyn and P exchange myspace info imma vomit, think martin when pam and tommy kiss, i think imma be sick

why imma take all the liquor from Jacelyn lmao

Anonymous said...

why i been tryna to get O secretive ass to open up for like the last 2 days now and i am getting nowhere

why imma keep trying tho

why K talking bout she gon do the sugar on tice thing like it's new

why the spaghetti sugar thing still g ot me tripping

Anonymous said...

why i been tryna to get O secretive ass to open up for like the last 2 days now and i am getting nowhere

why imma keep trying tho

why K talking bout she gon do the sugar on tice thing like it's new

why the spaghetti sugar thing still g ot me tripping

Kaliente said...

"wait, that was J who said she want her dip to hit it girl you are wild today....lol"

-why it's tha ciroc got her loose!!! LOL i need some of that!

LMAO @ P talkin bout seein Jac myspace...

Unknown said...

Damn P you got me going


why did I just put my info out there

why I don't really care because i only have on friend on there and it's K

why Chrissy, I do think it's my slushie

Kaliente said...

"why i bet P prolly bout 5 inches when he hard "


why u almost made me spit out my dayum food!!!!

why i knoe P gone tryta go hard on ya azz disrepekkin ..lol his piece

Anonymous said...

Damn P you got me going


omg imma be sick!!!!!!

Kaliente said...

"Damn P you got me going"

-LMAO JAc..is that u???

Unknown said...

why Chris got me dyin over here

why I can picture P in line gettin those Magnums

why I wish I could meet you in Las Vegas

why is my drink the best I ever had

why I think I need to put this shyt up

why I want P to continue....

Unknown said...

why Chris got me dyin over here

why I can picture P in line gettin those Magnums

why I wish I could meet you in Las Vegas

why is my drink the best I ever had

why I think I need to put this shyt up

why I want P to continue....

Anonymous said...

@ K why P Piece ain't shit

why i say that like i really know what it is

why he may have a big member

why i never wanna know

why he prolly is gon clown but so what lmao it makes for free and fun entertainment

why all men think they got big d!cks

why we gotta be the ones to tell em when they don't

why they momma don't school they ass or something fo' they send they son out into the world thinking he packing

why she should just pull her lil d!icked son aside and say look son i know what ya working with i been married to ya daddy for yrs, so imma gon and tell ya, get ya a good city job with benefits okay

why that is the convo P momma should have had with him

why's it's never too late P

Kaliente said...

^^^ LMAO at errrrrrrrrrrthang u just typed

BTW, where r the men??? Y'all SUCK!!!

why i think they cheatin on us with another blog:(

why y'all gon come in all late...like HUH?

Anonymous said...

why do I want O to open up

^^^^^why my first thought was "what we do is just between me and you, not soemthing that you run and tell your crew"?

why do I think in music lyrics?

why I know 504 would be the first one to get that lyric quote?

why when I listen to P, I feel like a prep school all star listening to Jordan talk about laying 69 points on Cleavland?

why oh why?

Anonymous said...

why I can picture P in line gettin those Magnums

why I wish I could meet you in Las Vegas

why is my drink the best I ever had

why I think I need to put this shyt up

why I want P to continue....

^^^^^lmmfao why Jacelyn insist on making me ill

why i think she doing it cause it's funny to her

why if yall decide to get married i ain't going nor will i send a gift

why P ain't gon let you sit on his suede sofa's J do you really want a man like that he covets furniture and sheets and shit, that's a sin

why i am laughing @ my own shit

Anonymous said...

^^^^^why my first thought was "what we do is just between me and you, not soemthing that you run and tell your crew"?

^^^^^^ why P can't take heed to that shit O

why when I listen to P, I feel like a prep school all star listening to Jordan talk about laying 69 points on Cleavland?

^^^^^lmmfao why in da hell you wanna compare P to Jordan, he more like one of them overseas b-ball players you never hear bput till the olympics cause they play for a canadian league or some shit.....

Anonymous said...

da hell bobble @ with her why's

why bammy gon read this shit and be like damn i missed all the fun while i was @ lunch

why P ain't hit us with another tale of the NIN yet????

Poppa Patent said...

why I just go on myspace and see jacelyn

why she 32 and can get the bidness next time I'm in the Chi

why she a Scorpio like me and that's all that matters

why I know she got Freaky tendencies just cuz of her sign

why I wish I had known jacelyn a month ago when I was in Bloomington

why is THAT?

Unknown said...

why am I dyin

why is the shyt soooo funny to me

why one of the senior partners asked me if he can have some of my energy drink because I can't stop laughing

why I told him it was for women only and closed my office door

why I can do shyt like that because I work for employment lawyers and I NO MY RIGHTS

Kaliente said...

^^^ Cuz he wit'a client knockin dust off....LMFAO

Anonymous said...

why I can do shyt like that because I work for employment lawyers and I NO MY RIGHTS

^^^^^^ why that shit had me dying, i can see you saying fuck it damn it i know my rights like you norma ray or some shit

why imma just ignore P and his sex talk because i have vomited too many times today

why i hope he mess with the wrong client and she put roots on his ass

Bahama said...

Why are yall in here cutting up?

Why i ain't feel like reading all them why's

Why my ex cyber hubby don't even check for me no more

Why i think i'mma send him an evil e-mail?

Why lacyd don't check for us no mo either?

Why am i still thinking boout some of them fine guys i saw in Hot lanta

Why i'm upset i came back to the not so fine men in the bahamas? UGH!

Why do i hate being single?

Why Larry Johnson can't come to the Bahamas so i can kidnap i mean seduce him?

Poppa Patent said...

why myspace mobile is terrible

why can I be reached at myspace.com/sigh_e

why I only divulge my Client sexsions on the innanet cuz I know 9 times outta 10 I aint gon meet none of yaw and 10 times outta 10 yaw aint gon meet any of my clients

why I tell anything on the innanet based on my previous why

why I'm waiting on jacelyn to send me a friend request so I can add her

why is THAT?

504 said...

why i literrally threw up my lunch after reading punk ass p's funky freaky why's tales ?

why i wish i could spike his drinks with super glue ?

why i'mma have to smack jac for encouraging those fables ?

why i need to pray after all those lies that nigga is spewing ?

why is he so full of himself?

why i wanna hear the other fellas stories, at least one ?

why i bet onan & jay be getting mo ass than p ?

why i think bammy be getting more ass than p & she's been missing the action ?

Poppa Patent said...

why jacelyn got cute dimples

why I can see myself driving to the Chi for a Sexsion with jacelyn

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why I only divulge my Client sexsions on the innanet cuz I know 9 times outta 10 I aint gon meet none of yaw and 10 times outta 10 yaw aint gon meet any of my clients

^^^^^^^why you divulge lies

why i wish somebody we knew mutually would habve sex with ya ass so she can come back and tell us

why that would be the only way i would ever stfu bout this and tryna to discredit you

why i feel like it's my duty to discredit you, on behalf of the female race

why imma get a P.I. to investigate ya ass.....lol

why imma get a paypal, and have people donate to the I-PLA Fund that is the Investigate P Lying Ass Fund

Anonymous said...

why i bet onan & jay be getting mo ass than p ?

^^^^^ why that is so true cause they ain't saying shit

why they prolly like us and think he full of it

why they may think the total opposite and see P as a hero

why imma be taking donations for the I-Pla Fund asap.... pleasae donate to help free all the clients and send they ass back into they retirement homes also we having an excorcism on Jacelyn later on to free her of that devil P, refreshments afterwards

Bahama said...

why i think bammy be getting more ass than p & she's been missing the action ?

^^ AHA! lmao

Unknown said...

why I luvvvvvvvvv yall

why I wanna no what happen to O

why Chrissy got my side hurtin

why I got more friends on my page now

why I might think I'm the shyt again next week

Unknown said...

why I luvvvvvvvvv yall

why I wanna no what happen to O

why Chrissy got my side hurtin

why I got more friends on my page now

why I might think I'm the shyt again next week

Poppa Patent said...

why are mtw and 504 at the top of my haters list

why I was just reminded that Kobe's wife could get it

why I need to make travel plans for this weekend

why I'm thinkin of who I should call to kick it wit

why I know so many ppl outta town whenever I go

why my friends can't believe it when I run into somebody outta town

why they call me the "Mayor"

why I can't decide on what to get 504's G3 aka Great Granny Gee for Mother's Day

why I know she'll be happy if she only hear my voice as I scream in the phone HEY G3 ITS ME P3!!!!!

why did I just almost bust out laughin at the previous why

why is THAT?

504 said...


why it took me like fo'eva to read all these why's from my last why session ?

why i didn't read them all til now?

why bammy put in less than 10 why's per wednesday ?

why i'm uncomfortable with that ?

why i'mma report punk ass p to the authorites for dating these clients just so he can get a chunk out their SSI or crazy checks ?

Anonymous said...

why i know Jacelyn drunker then cooter brown

why she keep posting shit twice and professing her love for us all

why that's what drunk ppl do

why i hope she don't cry next

why i hope she don't sleep with P in her moment of drukenness

why i want her cup o happy juice

Poppa Patent said...

why Notch gonna get it the next time I see her in NY

why Notch gonna be the one to tell you how REAL it is

why mtw need to call Notch right now

why I'm thinkin bout flyin Notch to my house so she become an Official client

why only 3 other ppl know who Notch is

why I need to call Notch so I can talk nasty tew her

why is THAT?

504 said...

why did I just almost bust out laughin at the previous why

why is THAT?

why cause that's what delirious folks do, can you say skraight jacket ?

Jay Midnyte said...

Why Jacelyn needa go 2 emergency detox right now?

that's it...

504 said...

why i think notch is too nice to tell punk ass p how much of an ass clown he really is ?

Anonymous said...

why they call me the "Mayor"

^^^^^why yo ass just the aldeman and not the mayor

why can anybody get it from you cause you's a sex fiend

why you a nasty triple time freak a leek like rick james was

why i bet P like to party all the time

why bobble calling P a black widow cause he dating all these old ho's for they SSI checks

why i bet that is how he got that house

why he need to be profiled on america's most wanted

Kaliente said...

"why i wish somebody we knew mutually would habve sex with ya ass so she can come back and tell us "


504 said...

why notch tole me punk ass p was like her old ass corny ass freaky ass uncle who had no play ?

why i'm lying but that's what she should say ?

why i'm tripping myself out today ?

Anonymous said...

why notch would cuss yo ass out P

why i am afraid P has gotten another one of my homies to fall victim and become his prey

why he like a vampire you never know when that nigga gon bite

why imma get me some garlic cloves and and a steak to drive throo his heart.....lmmfao

Anonymous said...

why P is a black widow money hungry old lady dating homie taking vampire????

Unknown said...


why am I about to go to lunch so I need to hear something good before I go

why is it raining hard as hell but I still going to happy hour

why did my "Dip" just text me to tell me he can't wait to see me later

why I think he might get it today

why I hope I don't sober up before I get off

504 said...


504 said...

why i hate my cycle ?

why i want some ass cause of all this imaginary sex talk going 'round here !

Anonymous said...

Jay Midnyte said...
Why Jacelyn needa go 2 emergency detox right now?

that's it...

^^^^^ why i see J-nyte as a super cool ass dude and friend type material, like we could sit round and talk shit and never let sex come cross our minds but if i were to ever go to denver he could get it

why i know that is never gon happen cause ain't no good weed in denver

why balderman patent is gon be P new name?????

why bammy and J-nyte should why more

Anonymous said...

why i hate my cycle ?

^^^^^ why i love my cycle cause it means i am kid free

why you right bout the imaginary sex talk bobble cause all the shit P saying is in his book of fairytales....

504 said...

why bammy's pulling a necole & making guest appearences in her house?

504 said...

why i prolly can't get pregnant ?

why i might be too old ?

why i shouldn't have said the too old part cause punk ass p prolly in the corner beating off to those words ?

why i'm lmao as i typed that ^ ?

Anonymous said...

lmmfao bobble why in da hell is guest apperances so funny to me

why that made me think of that episode when new edition made a special guest apperance on family matters and johnny gill was looking xtra frooty pebble-ish but @ the time i ain't know him and eddie had already been together since Eddie busted on the scene in them 48 hrs movies.....lmao

Anonymous said...

why is this so hilarious to me?

why are ya'll keeping me from getting any real work done?

why if I get fired I'm coming to texas so I can cook spaghetti for Chrissy and hope she'll pay me?

why would I travel more if I had me a client list?

why I want my clients to be middle aged white women?

whyI want my clients to be soccer moms that where those white lady mom jeans and easy spirit shoes?

why I think I would get more clients if I smoked weed and drank?

Poppa Patent said...

why he like a vampire you never know when that nigga gon bite

^^^^why if I was a Vampire, I'd be the best dressed Vampire even tho I can't see my reflections

Anonymous said...

why i shouldn't have said the too old part cause punk ass p prolly in the corner beating off to those words
^^^^^^that's it, i know today is my last day cause i just laughed like a gotdamn hyena off in this bitch......

504 said...

why i'm bout to watch that damn indian thriller video again ?

Anonymous said...

why 504 can't get pregnant cause its against the laws of nature for your fetus to be taller than you?

why am I so gonna regret I asked that why?

why do I not care cause its hella funny anyway?

why haven't I had a chance to mess with 504 in about a week?

why 504 could be my homie but I would still think about gettin at her little behind on the sly?

Anonymous said...

whyI want my clients to be soccer moms that where those white lady mom jeans and easy spirit shoes?
^^^^^^^ why P beating off to that description in a corner as well

why you can cook me all the spaghetti in the world O, but i never pay, ever, won't happen, i can pay ya a compliment and say wow O that was some good ass spaghetti

Jay Midnyte said...

You'll cook for me too Chrissy? Aww you my nigga lol

lmao yall right next to the border Chriss yall prolly get that mexican dirt weed, shit just crumbles when you break it up

Why Bammy all over the blogging network and shit leaving comments everywhere prolly, we over here like welcome back!

Unknown said...

why 504 could be my homie but I would still think about gettin at her little behind on the sly...

is O opening up....hmmmmmmm..

504 said...

why onan the paranoid fartbarian is clowning me ?

why you gonna stop eff'in with me ?

why you trying to sugar coat shit talkin bout wanting to get with me on the slick ?

why you don't know i'm ugly as Celie from the color burple ?

Poppa Patent said...

why I have yet to get a white Client

why I know one of my white neighbors is gonna be my 1st white client

why Hilary won't drop her A$$ outta the Democratic race

why she holdin on tew hopes and dreams

why I feel like slappin her A$$ for prolonging this $h!t

why I feel like disrespecting white folks because of Hilary

why Soccer moms are the best cuz they don't get it as often cuz of the kids

why Soccer moms always have the minivans with the tints

why Minivans are the best vehicles to have a Sexsion cuz they so versatile

why Soccer moms always got towels and napkins to clean up "Messes" like my kids on the roof

why I just had a flashback of a Soccer mom on top of me with the windows fogged up and her A$$ in the air

why the 3rd row seats always fold down to make a bed

why Minivans don't squeak like they used tew

why I'm thinkin bout callin a Soccer mom just cuz Onan brought it up

why the armrests get in the way sometimes

why I remember her footprints on the window

why I thought her neck was bought to break when I hit it from the back and her head was in the corner where the wheel and the 3rd row meat

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

lmmfao why i don't smoke weed J-nyte but i know the good from the bed by the texture, and the smell of it cause i been round hubby too damn long not to know

why he made me learn how to roll blunts so he can drive in peace

why i will cook for you J cause you need some real food after being in denver all that time...

why you my nigga too, and i spit mofo tea out all over the place you talking bout mexcan dirt weed, ahhahhahhahh

why the weed in denver prolly ain't even potent cause the tempetures in denver won't allow it to be

why you bet not ever smoke a blunt in denver with yo' black ass J-nyte

why you wasn't in the real world denver cast J????

Anonymous said...

Why 504 don't know what I know?

why 504 think its sugar coating?

why 504 know if I stopped eff'in with her should would think something was wrong?

Poppa Patent said...

why 504 can't get pregnant cause its against the laws of nature for your fetus to be taller than you?

^^^why did I just put my hand over my mouf so I could control my laughter and not draw attention tew myself

why I think me and Onan could potnuh up and wreak havoc on mtw and 504 wit no problem

why that remind me of me and Shot

why is THAT?

Jay Midnyte said...

why you wasn't in the real world denver cast J????

lol cuz im not gay

If i remember right that black dude was gay?

Anonymous said...

why that last shit P wrote is a mofo lie and imma bout to prove it

why he say he ain't had a white client yet but he has had soccer moms

why white clients are THE ONLY soccer moms cause black mommas are football moms, and we push impalas with 20's nugga, gotdamn soccer gon with them lies P shit you got my nerves bad over here....

504 said...

why i watched that video again & now i'm crying ?

why i bet if i watched it one mo gen, i'd have all the dance steps down pack ?

Anonymous said...

lol cuz im not gay
^^^^^^ why i swear fo gawd i am done cause all ya crazy lmmfao

Jay Midnyte said...

why that last shit P wrote is a mofo lie and imma bout to prove it

why he say he ain't had a white client yet but he has had soccer moms

why white clients are THE ONLY soccer moms cause black mommas are football moms, and we push impalas with 20's nugga, gotdamn soccer gon with them lies P shit you got my nerves bad over here...

I knew something was wrong

504 said...

why punk ass p needs to wreak havoc on them GOT DAMN stories & burn them in HELL ! ?

504 said...

why you don't know shit onan !?

Jay Midnyte said...

I was like he better not try to fit black moms in the soccer mom category like you said Chriss they kids don't play no bitch ass soccer it's ball and football

Edirin said...

ive missed out on ll the fun now, you guys have missed me out :(

here it goes

why did i stay up all night yesterday revising

why did i sleep half way through my exam today

why why why why why

Jay Midnyte said...

Why 504 keep it 100 i like that

What happened to K?? She beatin the trunk up to some Boosie with a black??

Anonymous said...

why J-Nyte and K got boosie is the bidness t-shirts

why i agree P need to burn them stories and try again

why 504 can't do nothing but keep it 100 cause that is all she has ever done

Poppa Patent said...

why white clients are THE ONLY soccer moms cause black mommas are football moms, and we push impalas with 20's nugga, gotdamn soccer gon with them lies P shit you got my nerves bad over here....

^^^why mtw remind me of her Simpleness

why a Soccer mom can't have a daughter

why I don't know know lil girls that play football like mtw's daughter

why do lil black girls like Soccer as much as the lil white girls

why real Soccer moms can spend $300 on groceries and pack that minivan up like wrappin Christmas presents

why mtw don't tell us the position her daughter play on the football team she on

why I think mtw's daughter is a linebacker on her Football team

why I know she lead the team in tackles

why I know she play QB tew and clowns the other boys to where they don't wanna be on the team

why I know she is the best player on the Football team

why I know she gets her energy from Ramen noodles and Hamburger Helper and the WIC cereal

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why I might not know shit but I know more about 504 than she know about me?

why do I chuckle when 504 get all gully with me?

why does 504 remind of the little chicken-hawk from the Foghorn Leghorn cartoon?

"you're too small son, the fast ones go right over your head"

why am I having this much fun at work?

Jay Midnyte said...


Kaliente said...

"What happened to K?? She beatin the trunk up to some Boosie with a black??"

-LMAO, i'm here...juss laughin at y'all crazy azzes!!! But i am thinkin bout a black...

why my legs n back hurt..haha

Kaliente said...

why i wanna know what mtw stand for???

Jay Midnyte said...

hold up, the only way a black mom can be a soccer mom is if her daughter plays soccer and that's rare, well I know I rarely ever see that

Poppa Patent said...

why does 504 remind of the little chicken-hawk from the Foghorn Leghorn cartoon?

^^^^why Onan is showing signs of Comedic Genius

why I need him to keep up that $h!t

why I need a break from all this Fcukery from mtw and 504

why I'm really just fillin Onan up so I can laugh some mo

why I'm waiting for the Napolean complex jokes

why I'm waiting for the 'Coming up Short' jokes

why I'm waiting on the Short Stature jokes

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why imma tell all yall to clear the phuck out so i can get in P ass

why i don't give a good gotdamn who the phuck on who's soccer team and who they mammy is you ain't fucking em cause you a muthafucking lie as usual

why i gotta get hood and act so unlady like and show out in front of my guests

how imma get called out in my own crib by the likes of P

why you tryna to call me out and say my kids eat ramen noodles and shit when yo ass eat hungry man dinners everynight in front of the t.v while watching american idol and tryna to figure out what stories you gon make up and come and tell us next

why even if my kids do eat noodles on a regualr they ain't eating that shit alone playboy

why imma sit here eat my mofo fruit and wait on this jackass and his response

oh, one mo' thing why p gotta get all bitchassness and take it to tha kids, i was clowing ya make believe ass ho's not ya kids now was I, oh damn i fa'got you ain't got none you in thqat big ass rambling supposed 3 bedroom house all alone waiting on ya 'clients to roll throo


Kaliente said...

^^^^OMG, dayum P done made Chriss really fire off this afternoon...

*hides under desk*

Kaliente said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Poppa Patent said...


^^^why is it ALL LOVE betwixt me and mtw

why this aint the 1st time she take it personal

why when she ASSumed I was talkin bout boys she went on a whole nother tangent

why she aint say her daughter DONT play football

why she can make fun of my Clients but when I make fun of her peeps it gets ignant

why I love mtw like a play sister

why I know she aint really mad

why I don't really care if mtw believe me or not

why must she discredit ery thang I say

why if you don't believe it you need to just fall back

why must you encourage me to keep them cumming (literally)

why I blow kisses at you to help you cool down

why I wish you had a fan directly on you right now so you can cool the FCUK down

why we don't know the number your daughter wears since you a 'Football Mom'

why is it hard to believe a Black Soccer Mom exists

why I love this SH!T

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why i think that if me an p were face to face i'd be all up in his face talking mad shit while he steady backing up and putting his hand in my face cause i am so mad i am spitting on him

why i bet all yall would stand round and be like awww damn they bout to get physical

Anonymous said...

nigga why you think i need to cool off, i am lmmfao @ this shit

Anonymous said...

why i bet all yall would stand round and be like awww damn they bout to get physical

^^^^why would I have my camera phone out the whole time?

why I think Chrissy would be like that crazy "Soulja Girl" chick on the MARTA train?

Jay Midnyte said...

damn my nigga Chrissy snapped... lol maybe i shouldn't have instigated the shit

Oh well yall handled it it's all good?

Anonymous said...

why you get mad cause i am clowning ho's that don't even exsist P

why if they do exsist would you even care with the way you talk about em

why you asking why it's so hard to believe there is a such thing as a black soccer mom

why even ask playboy, let you tell it you have had plenty black soccer moms

Jay Midnyte said...

lmmfao oh no not the MARTA girl Onan!

Anonymous said...

why you ain't instigate shit J-nyte, i can hold my own homie, i am good yall i promise....lmmfao

why O got his camera phone out recording shit? lmao

why he gon prolly put the shit on youtube

Poppa Patent said...

why you get mad cause i am clowning ho's that don't even exsist P

^^^why would you think I'd get mad. It's what you dew, that's your makeup to discredit me. You dew it so well. You and 504

why if they do exsist would you even care with the way you talk about em

^^^^why would you think I care about you talkin bout them. That's all it is is TALK. We all live in our world, you have the option to Ripley it (oops I forgot you simple) by 'Ripley It' I mean Believe it or Not.

why if it wasn't for clients you'd think I was a good dude

why Oh why did I drink Cappucino? (Old School MC Lyte)

Anonymous said...

why Oh why did I drink Cappucino? (Old School MC Lyte)

^^^scar on my face but I'm not Al Pacino (new school Heltah Skeltah)

why oh why Lefleur Leflah?

Poppa Patent said...

why even ask playboy, let you tell it you have had plenty black soccer moms

^^^why I've had Black Football moms that push Impalas on 20's to see they daughters play LB and QB

why that isn't new to me

why its Baseball season and mtw's daughter can throw a mean slow pitch

why she slides into second with her spikes up tryna take the Short Stop out

why you never heard of a Slow-Pitch MOM

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

lmmfatfo why P still talking noise??????

Unknown said...

ok I'm back, what i miss?

Anonymous said...

lol keep reading Jacelyn you will see

why bobble ain't been back

why i think no one has come back cause me and P ran em off arguring

why i can't blame em cause i ran my damn self off but hell it's my blog so where can i go lol

Anonymous said...

why was I just waiting for bobble04 to get at me for my shots?

why do I feel neglected now?

why have I *spoken* to you all more than I have spoken to my office mates today?

Poppa Patent said...

why I'm back ready for some $h!t till my meeting start

why I can't wait ta get up outta here

why ppl always wanna know $h!t when you bout to leave

why ppl wait till you bout out the door to get 'Details' on $h!t when they been here all day

why I still wanna know what number mtw's daughter wear

why is THAT?

Unknown said...

why I finished a project that was assigned a week ago

why am I just going assign it to another paralegal and give overtime as an incentive

why do I not feel bad about doing this

Unknown said...

why my "Dip" just called and asked if I wanted to come to his house instead of going to happy hour

why am I still laughing at his azz

Poppa Patent said...

why I'm bout to kill this grilled chicken salad I made with Vinegrette Salad Dressing

why do salads taste so gewd

why I like everything on my salad cept Cottage cheese

why I can't see me eating Cottage cheese unless it's in an Italian dish

why is THAT?

Anonymous said...

why I still wanna know what number mtw's daughter wear

^^^^^^ oh my bad, i meant to tell you she don't wear numbers, cause she the biggest baddest mofo coldest line backer ever to play in the kiddie league, they gave her the option to wear letters, see below...

P-H-U-C-K-Y-O-U you can't miss that on the field can ya....

this sh!t better work..lmao