Why Wednesday

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bammy's Why's

Why when I walked into my office there was blue silly string everywhere?

Why I'm leaving it until the roomate comes in to clean it up?

Why he ain't come in yet? he must know i'mma light into his arse.

Why I like Baldwin Hills?

Why i'm kinda ashamed to admit that?

Why are my eyes having the hardest time staying open?

Why is this year going by so darn fast?

Chrissy's Why's

Why i wish bammy would stop watching baldwin hills

Why i need to stop watching from g's to gents cause that show is a mess

Why i am sooooooooo sick of this man and these wranglers

Why i went off on the manager @ popeye's yesterday

Why i was cussing and talking all kinda shit and he didn't speak english so he had no clue what i was saying

Why i wanna go to bammy's boss and tell him to leave her alone so we can do our why's

Why imma agree with notch and mzp morning sex is the BEST..... lol


Chey said...

why i like the baldwin hills show too?

Anonymous said...

why imma tell yall one mo gin, lol stop watching that show

Chey said...

why i think the show is addictive?
why everybody i know keep telling me to stop watchin it?

DROCK said...

Chrissy, why r u cussing out the manager at popeye's cause u know u gone be back next week getting yo 2piece and cajun rice?

why my favorite chinese joint have I Got 5 On It blasting on the intercom?

why I know they ain't know what the song was about?

why Bret Farve actin like a Beeyooch?

why I know the Browns gone go allllll the way this year????

why can I not wait to see Michael Phelps in those iddy biddy ass speedos???

why do I think he kinda fine for a white boy?

Anonymous said...

why imma tell you the deal drock

why we sat in the drive throo for a good 10 mins before i backed the damn car out and parked it and went in

why when i went in the muthafucking teenagers that work there on break throwing fries and shit all cross the place

why i get to the counter place my order, no lie took the bastard manager like 1 min to get my shit together

why i ask his ass why the window was so slow but when i come in i get my shit

why he didn't answer me so i got louder

why he stand there looking blank and stoopid

why i tell him that the drive throo needs to be his priority cause gas too fucking high, and i got a headache and i can't be playing with yall

why when i am walking out the gotdamn kids STILL over there playing instead of working

why you right tho drock imma go back cause popeyes is my shit

Anonymous said...

why yall got me laffing so hard in this early damn morning

why my momma got a serious cuss out from me last nite.

why i had to hang out with ugly boo cuz i aint wanna be home

why i went to the gas station and put in 8 dollars worth of gas and the attendant told me thats a waste of his pump time

why i cussed that indian nigga out and told him unless he had the money to put in himself he bet not mess with me

why i gave ugly boo head in the car last nite and a man on a motorcycle was watching real hard from across the street

why i aint stop doing it though..lol

DROCK said...

why dat Indina dude deserve to get his AZZ beat wit his comment?

why don't he know peoples is serious when it comes to they gas be it putting in $4.27 or $8.00 in the tank?? (yes I said $4.27..don't ask)

Chey said...

why im sitting here cracking the fuck right now

why my whole dept tryna see my computer to see whats so funny

Anonymous said...


why notch cuss her momma out...

why imma ask notch if the car was parked while she was suckin' her boo off, cause if it wasn't they could have had a "driving miss daisy" accident

WHY i STILL don't get what they hell morgan freeman and that lady was doing in that damn car tho, was she really giving him head and it was that good nigga let go off the wheel lmmfao

why i wonder if the true story ever really gon come out

why i bet morgan wife was like that's what yall muthafucking asses get karma's a bitch ain't it ....lmao

why i bet the dude on the motorcycle watching notch in action thought she was a hooker and was waiting to ask her what her rates were lmao

Anonymous said...

why i think this girl here be either getting her ass beat by her man, or she cut herself, or she a herion addict cause she been wearing long sleeves all week and it's been 107 degrees every single damn day...

Anonymous said...

why chrissy im so broke i was about to quote a rate to the bike man..lol

why i love giving head so much i think it should be a crime

why dont ugly boo love going down on me as much as i like going down on him

why he told me he thinks vaginas are ugly

why i told him so what u think penises are better looking?

why he almost punched me in the throat for tryin to call him gay..lol

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Notchie!

Why me and the boo beefin again?

Why am I convinced that he has some underlying issues (=crazy)?

Why I think if I gave my boo more head maybe we wouldn't beef so much?

Why did I take all the dirt out of the plant on my desk and just leave the plant in the pot?

Why if one more person comes by my desk and tell me that my other plants are dead I'm gon scream!?

Why I watched From G's to Gents too last night?

Why that T-Jones irk the f*ck outta me with his big mouth and big teeth?

Why I think he bout as sweet as suga?

Why I think Kesan looks like a lil woman and would be so cute in drag?

Why I think most of them fools on that show are gay?

Why I can't wait for payday tomorro?

DROCK said...

why i think notch need to cut ugly boo off until he realizes the beauty of her PU-NANY??

TroublemakerSupreme said...

why am i still drunk from last night?

why i wish a muthafucka would mess with me today?

why am i sitting butt ass nekkid in front of the laptop with the AC blasting? oh yeah, cuz my drunk ass is hot!

why am i addicted to MickieD's sweet tea? dammit!

why i STILL have not finished unpacking and gotta hunt for some work clothes to put on?

why are my back tattoos itching like HELL all of a sudden?

why i really need to find me a jump-off man cuz i need some D in my life?

why am i so cranky right now? oh yeah... time for the morning cigarette.

Anonymous said...

Why I watched From G's to Gents too last night?

Why that T-Jones irk the f*ck outta me with his big mouth and big teeth?

Why I think he bout as sweet as suga?

Why I think Kesan looks like a lil woman and would be so cute in drag?
^^^^^why am i sooooo glad i got somebody i can talk to bout this show mz p

why t-jones is a frooty ass gay mess

why all them supposed g's on there some punks

why that con artist cee look like master splinter on the ninja turtles

why t-jones makes me so ill mzp he gets on my nerves so bad, looking stoopid all the time, and that dumb ass grin ughhhhhh

why jamie foxx even agree to have his name attached to this show

why farnsworth haircut is always so on point

why i love it when them niggas get to acting like bitches and start crying and shit

why my daughter like her momma cause she said creepa cute lmmfao

why i died and said lawd my child gon love thugs like her momma do

Chey said...

why they didnt just get rid of t jones

why that nigga homeless

why i agree that all of them is gay

why none of them would be considered gs where im from

Chey said...

why this blog bought to get me fired cuz im cracking up while the ceo is standing here

Anonymous said...

why none of them would be considered gs where im from
^^^^^why you so damn right lmmfao

and why that creepa nigga think he just the hardest nigga on the show MAN PLEASE!!

Chey said...

why the butler dude insist on calling them gentleman

why the dude try to spit for irv gotti and he shut him down quick

why irv gotti whack too

504 said...

why i'm sick of my broke arm & tninking about cutting it off ?

why i'm happy to see baby drock in the right hand corn'da ?

why i can't why all day with ya'll & why i'mma need to take a serious break from the computer ?

why my feelings hurt ?

Anonymous said...

@ cherish, why i think that butler was a homeless man they just got off the skreets and put a suit on him

why that butler be saying 1 half hour and be confusing the damn dudes all the time lmmfao that shit kills me

bobble why i swear my left arm done had it but i am making do with my handicap

why my feelings hurt too bobble cause my arm needs a rest but i can't let it....

Anonymous said...

why t-jones makes me so ill mzp he gets on my nerves so bad, looking stoopid all the time, and that dumb ass grin ughhhhhh
^^^ Why I just wanna slap that grin off his face??

Why I think he look like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland...ol big face ass?

Why do I totally agree w/ Cherish on all them niggas bein gay?

Why I think I got some special gay-dar?

Speaking of gay, Why I think everybody (if you can) should watch that video Bammy posted yesterday??

Why I'm still laughin at that shit?

Why the office feel so peaceful when bosslady is away?

Why I wanna call-out so bad tomorro cuz it's payday?

Why is niggas actin more like b*itches these days, with they moddy ass!?

Why I wanna kno where nOdays is so he can agree/disagree with my last statement?

Why I don't think I'm gon get a good answer from him...lol?

Anonymous said...

why you calling no-days up is a mistake

why he gon come in here and say some shit like fuck it men can have attitudes too

why i cyber luv nodays even if he is a marques houston fan

why i don't think all the dudes on from g's to gents gay, but they damn shole ain't no g's

why that skripper dude ain't even sexy

Anonymous said...

and why that lil kesan nigga be acting like he gon hurt somebody and he ain't finna do shit

why he gon come on the show talking bout i am in marketing and promotions

why i was like so that mean his ass hang posters on light posts and shit

why he ain't no damn actor, one lil ass role in ATL don't count lmao

Chey said...

@ chrissy
why i saw the butler dude on the bench in the park yesterday

@ mz purp
why my boss on vacay and im gonna spend the rest of the afternoon in walmart

Why is niggas actin more like b*itches these days, with they moddy ass!? <---- why that shit aint the honest to god truth

Anonymous said...

why i am perplexed now cause i am wondering if that lil keasan nigga was the same dude in atl or not lmao

and lmmfao @ cherish, i told ya he was some random homless dude when the show over he gon have to move back in his box

Bahama said...

why yall having so much fun why'n with out me?

why my starbucks coffee was off the chain?

why now though it's wearing off and i'm tired again?

why i'm starting to think it's this damn office i'm tired of?

why if this man keep on asking what i've done so far for the day, i'm kick him in the go-nads?

why i'm serious?

why don't nobody be asking him about his backgammon games he be playing.

why no one be asking the other one about his solitare addiction

why no one asks the other one about his steady im'n convo with his girlfriend?

why no one asks the other one bout what he b looking at all day on puter?

why they always asking me though?

why this ish is pissing me off?

why i seen't a big black man with fishnet stockings on?

why that was all he had on?

why it was raining too?

why i almost crashed looking at him?

why i feel like slapping somebody right now?

why i'm ret's to go home?

why this man keep telling me bout selling sunscreen and block before the summer ends?

why i wanna tell his dumb arse WE LIVE ON AN ISLAND WHERE IT'S ALWAYS SUMMER!!! duh!

why that's the end of my rant.

Bahama said...

why i am perplexed now cause i am wondering if that lil keasan nigga was the same dude in atl or not lmao

^^he is

why i ain't never seen't so much crying on a show were they suppose to be g's?

thug's don't cry...lmao

Chey said...

why they didnt at least get him a haircut for the show

Anonymous said...

why i seen't a big black man with fishnet stockings on?

why that was all he had on?

why it was raining too?
^^^^^^lmmfatfo DA HELL?????

Bahama said...

^^^^^^lmmfatfo DA HELL?????

^^^why that was the same thing i said?

why i was so mad i didn't have my camera phone with me?

why that ish was the funniest thing i've seen all year?

why ain't nobody believe'n me though?

why he looked like he was 9 months preggers too?

why is this ish so funny to me? i am sittin here crying!!

Anonymous said...

why i wanna know if somebody called the police on his ass, lmmfao

why beyonce over on bossip looking like a white lady?

Anonymous said...

Why does it take so long to pack

Why don't you know how much crap you have until its time to pack

Why I don't want to do it

why do I see the same homeless man, big dude, with his ass literally hanging out???!?!?! LITERALLY!!!

Why do I now drive a different route

Anonymous said...

Why am i just know watching the vid from yesterday

why even though it was a trip, i know that the black queens would have work the ish out of that skit

Anonymous said...

*a good skit

Anonymous said...

bammy, why i know no one in the bossip posts, lmao they all new....

why they dull as fuck

Bahama said...

ooh ooh chrisssy lets go play the eff game in bossip?? wanna wanna? lmao and yea they do all kinda spell dull..lmao

why anony should pick a screen name?

why welcome anyway for dropping by!

Anonymous said...


Bahama said...

all right first post!!! and you all our welcome to come along for the fun!

Anonymous said...


Bahama said...

um lets change it to anothe post chrissy too many comments in the first post how bout...

Bahama said...

the 8th one, with eddie murphy's wife..seen on the scene

Anonymous said...


Chey said...

why my job has bossip blocked?

Bahama said...

Bossip might shut us down..lmao

Bahama said...

why your jobs that have things blocked Chrsiiy and Cherish, why they suck? lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Bahama said...

LOL chrissy i moved to the first post

Bahama said...

i do have our link up tho..it's on the check me out thing

Anonymous said...


n0days0ff said...


why a man gotta be a fucking superman all the time but yall can have flaws and all

why my lil mama would never tell me to "man up" cause she knows id suplex her ass than ask is that man enough for you?

why women always wanna point fingers at you when they do THE EXACT SAME SHIT!!!??

why they dont know when you point a finger theres 3 pointing back at you?

Anonymous said...

why i was right when i said nodays was gon come in here and go the hell off lmao

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

why everytime i go to a bar or club and get bored and tipsy, i be thinking "i wish charlie murphy was here, he could get it."

why it tell my niece (she 23)i was thinking this the last time we went out and she laughed at me the rest of the damn night.

why i be feelin old at the bars.

why i be feelin 31 going on 91.

ms biggie shorty

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

Why does Shot envision Mz purp giving out sex advice at age 90 like that old chick on cable, "Now looky here Sonny wash yer balls with Witch Hazel and milk of magnesia. Then coat them with jowl bacon to add flavor for her!"

Why kids have no problem wearing a $50 outfit (white tee, low size 50 jeans, and bootleg white air forces), riding the city bus with a prepay phone but wear a big ass faced watch with like 100 pea sized "diamoniques" in them that would make the piece cost like 1 million if it was real!

Why is there a thin line between a chick having a nice walk and looking like she suffer from hip displacement?

Why my wife's father rock the fuck outta Fubu sweats in the hot ass summer? Why I be in awe - not only wondering how he is able to withstand the heat index but wondering who the fuck still sell (AND BUYS) Fubu?!?!?!

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

Why Ms biggie shorty would not know if she REALLY put it on got charlie and had him sprung or not cuz he always showing 76 teeth and eyes are always wide open like he just got the biggest nut in Murphy family history!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why my wife's father rock the fuck outta Fubu sweats in the hot ass summer? Why I be in awe - not only wondering how he is able to withstand the heat index but wondering who the fuck still sell (AND BUYS) Fubu?!?!?!
^^^^^^ why am i DEAD offa that shit lmmfao

504 said...

why can't you get drunk offa grapes ?

Anonymous said...

why can't you get drunk offa boones farm?

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...


Why drunk people volume control always turn up! Except for my granny who used to whisper when she had a little sippy sippy and be whispering, "tell...your...daddy...if he drink my Jack Danies again....I'm gonna.....shoot his...black ...assssssssssssssssss! go tell him child!"

Why Pop use to try to swing on Shot for brings message "Maw Maw said your stupid ass bet not EVER try to dr [BAM!]

Anonymous said...

why everybody can't just be like me and get drunk and go to sleep lmao

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

Why can't Shot go to sleep without giving Chrissy protien enrichment? LOL!

Anonymous said...

why shot just don't know i love my nightly protein shakes lmao

Chey said...

why i just got back from my lunchbreak at walmart

why i think i was gone about 3 hrs

why my lunch is only supposed to be 1/2 hr

Chey said...

why my whole dept laughin at the voicemail i just got w/ my bf dumping me

why i just put him on blast

why i had already warned him about leaving messages all mad, that i play for anybody that listens

Anonymous said...

Why I'm so sleepy after lunch?

Why I walked thru the sun, the mountains, and the river to go to Wendy's cuz I wanted some so bad?

Why I ain't even eat half my food when I got back?

Why my boo want me to go with him to see his granny that got alheimer's?

Why I'm not goin cuz I gotta fun-filled drunken hot gurl weekend planned?

Why me and my friend, who messes with my boo's bro, just had an hour long convo about how both of they asses are crazy?

Why them people over at Bossip are so mad and evil?

Why I won't eva be going back?...LOL!

Chey said...

why men dont realize its usually them that fucked up

Anonymous said...

why my whole dept laughin at the voicemail i just got w/ my bf dumping me

why i just put him on blast

why i had already warned him about leaving messages all mad, that i play for anybody that listens

^^Why I wish I was there to hear it!!!??

Chey said...

why it was all over $20 that i wouldnt give him

why that nigga so broke

Chey said...

why that nigga aint have a birth certificate or id til he met me?

why that nigga 11 yrs older than me

why when we met he lied about his age

why i aint find out til after the baby came

Anonymous said...

Why I'm mad as sh*t right now!!!??

Why I'm mad cuz I tried to be slick and run in our lg conference room and take a soda, and it turned out to be a DIET Pepsi, with Ginseng & Caffeine?

Why I'm like WTF? but I'm still gon drink it tho!?...LMAO!

n0days0ff said...

why cherish gave him the bank card in the first place?

Chey said...

why he was supposed to get my oil changed?

Why he went to the atm and bought my card right back

why he gon say the dude at the store said he had to buy a filter

why i say well u didnt even have my card to get the money out once u were at the store so how u get it

why he gon say he asked some guy from down the street and that the jamaican guy told him he needed to get out a extra 20

why i asked who

why he say you dont know him

why i know evrybody on block cuz i live there and he dont

why he must think i some kinda fool

Anonymous said...

why cherish going the fuck off on her man lmao

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

Why Shot trying to find proper way to ask Cherish for $20? Why Shot can't figure out how to get mad though if she ain't got it?!?

Why I think Shot and Cherish have a chance cuz Shot don't know no damn imaginary Jamaicans!LOL!

Anonymous said...

LOL! @ Cherish

why a man gotta be a fucking superman all the time but yall can have flaws and all

why my lil mama would never tell me to "man up" cause she knows id suplex her ass than ask is that man enough for you?

why women always wanna point fingers at you when they do THE EXACT SAME SHIT!!!??

why they dont know when you point a finger theres 3 pointing back at you?
^^^^^^Why I meant to comment on this malarky earlier but forgot?

Why regardless of how right niggas think they are, they are always going to be WRONG!?

Why nO won't just fess up and say his gf run sh*t ova there??

Why he don't kno that the Vajayjay runs the world??

Why he betta go get some lessons from my girl Alexxyss Taylor??...lol



Anonymous said...

why nodays will never admit who run it mzp

why its cool tho cause we already know the deal

why every woman know if you work it on a man just right ain't shit he can do

Chey said...

chrissy why this nigga got me over here comin out of character

why im laughin my ass off at shot

why im snappin on the comcast people for nothin

Anonymous said...

why im snappin on the comcast people for nothin
^^^ Why this was me yesterday??

Why I get home and my damn internet wasn't workin?

Why I called and talked all nice to the lady, then kirked out and hung up?

Why my internet still don't work?


Anonymous said...

lmmfao @ cherish why i am dying offa you coming outta charecter

Chey said...

why evrytime u talk to 5 different people there u get 5 different answers to the same damn question

why i always want to talk to da supervisor

why i end up snappin on the supervisor too

Chey said...

shot why i got $20 for ya all u had to do was ask

why a nigga gotta just go take shit

Anonymous said...

Why I'm just now about to do some damn work when I have less than an hour left in my work day?

Why I feel like I'm on speed or something with this damn Pepsi?

Why that's what I get for stealing?

Why I don't feel like dealing with this fool/bf tonight?

Why I'm so glad I got some nasty a** Absolute in the freezer that I can drink and get loose off of b4 he come get me?

Why my Daddy get so mad at me when I don't eat the dinner he cooked?

Why I just be waiting for him to say "I slaved over this hot oven..."?...lol

Why I'm gon go and ask for my $7.99today?

Why I kno he gon get mad?

Why he ain't kno that I didn't want that stankin sh*t he was cookin last night cuz I was in my room gettin drunk?

Anonymous said...

lmmfao why mzp downing her daddy cookin

why when you drunk tho you eat anything

so why you ain't eat the food mz p lmao

why i wanna know what he cooked

n0days0ff said...

why women argue when they know theyre wrong?

why do women argue when they know for a fact they are wrong?

why women know they ass is wrong as all fuck but still wont back down?

n0days0ff said...

why nodays will never admit who run it mzp

** why i already know the answer is NOT ME?

Anonymous said...

why nodays be having me rolling lmao

Anonymous said...

LOL! @ Chrissy...

Why that shit smelled like...I can't even describe it?

Why it was supposed to be catfish tho?

Why I kno when u drunk you b hungry as sh*t, but the way that fish smelled I couldn't do it??

Why he fried it but must've used some new type of batter?

Why he think he some master chef and be tryin different recipes n sh*t?

Why he better master my $7.99 in my hand, for his porn watching?

Why I'm still laughin at that day?

Why am I gon take all his porno's and hide em and see if he come say something to me about it?

Why my sister duck'n my Daddy, cause she owe him some $$ that she borrowed months ago?

Why she sent an email about one of her friends mama dying, and I "replied all" telling her to call my Daddy?...LMAO!

Why she riding around w/ PA tags on her jaloppy knowin the lawla's are goin to catch her?

Why I'm gon laugh my a** when she get pulled over?

n0days0ff said...

why the fuck im not allowed to complain about all the stress im under or else its bitchassness but i can hear you all day talkin bout how you have to fold clothes and then cook?

Chey said...

why most of the time women just arent wrong

why men dont realize women always get the last word in an argument

why men try to say something else then realize they just started a new argument

lol a mzpurp

Anonymous said...

why mzp is a damn fool

why i wanna know how you fuck up some fish tho

why i might fry some fish for dinner

why imma tell nodays this real quick

why i work, THEN gotta go home and cook, clean and sometimes even get freaky, and i NEVER complain BUT a man can complain bout a stumped toe, stfu lmao not @ you nodays but @ my man.....

Chey said...

why some fish does sound real good

why i work, THEN gotta go home and cook, clean and sometimes even get freaky, and i NEVER complain BUT a man can complain bout a stumped toe<------ why chrissy preaching the gospel right there

n0days0ff said...

yeah thats all well and good but i gotta hear EVERY DAY how you wanna quit your job and you hate working but soon as i say i had a bad day at work all of a sudden its not that bad and tomorrow will be better......basically i should shut the fuck up

Anonymous said...

why nodays sound bitter as hell

why i think he need some

why i think if he got some he'd feel the stress leave his ass lol

why i want you to tell thug misses to give you some head that you'll never ever forget so you can relax and wind down....lol

n0days0ff said...

why women got tunnel vision?

why they think they the only ones with problems and stress?

why they allowed to complain ALLLLLL DAY!!!!!! but i even look like im bout to open my mouth its " your job is not that bad.at least you have one, see there your problems all fixed.now back to me."

n0days0ff said...

why the fuck the answer to all my problems is between your legs but when you complain and i offer to give you some dick you look like i just farted during thanksgiving dinner?

Anonymous said...

why they allowed to complain ALLLLLL DAY!!!!!! but i even look like im bout to open my mouth its " your job is not that bad.at least you have one, see there your problems all fixed.now back to me."
^^^LMAO @ nO

Why I'm surprised that you just finding this out?

Anonymous said...

why everybody knows nodays that pussy is a stress reliever, not dick so when we stressed we don't want dick and we already got a pussy so guess what we do DRINK...

n0days0ff said...

Why I'm surprised that you just finding this out?

^^^why yall act like its your god given right to be the only one allowed to complain but if i fall down the stairs and dont jump right up i am being a drama queen.i swear women think were robots sometimes.IF YOU CUT ME DO I NOT BLEED?

Anonymous said...

why nodays proving the point that all men some damn babies talking bout if you cut me do i not bleed, negro we bleed every fucking month WHAT!!!!! LOL

n0days0ff said...

why am i too through with chrissy purp and cherish. even dieselle even though she wasnt here today?

why me and cherish BD took her $20 and ran for the border?

thanks for the chicken chalupas cherish

n0days0ff said...

why chrissy happy face avi pissing me off even more?

Anonymous said...


n0days0ff said...

why i heard on the news last week that a storm gonna come through texas and wipe that smile off chrissys avi's face?

why chrissys husband STILL wouldnt be allowed to complain even after El Nino came through and damn near drowned him?

Anonymous said...

why imma tell nodays don't worry be happy and get some head damn it do ya ass a world of good lol

Anonymous said...

Why, n0days, some women (and men) believe that men are suppose to handle all. due to the fact that women put up with a lot and men are suppose to be "strong" (in all aspects) so we expect you to handle it all without complaining... some women actually realize that men are very fragile emotionally and know how to be supportive without making him feel like a b*#^h.
But why is this hard to do

Why you gonna have to explain that to her how you feel (about her cutting you short)

why you might have to find a friend or a therapist to hear your problems

Why am I trying to play therapist

Why I'm not sure if my point came across clear..

Anonymous said...

why nodays hating on my happy face

why imma change my avi to a pic of me naked to shut yo ass up

n0days0ff said...

why the FUCK i have to find a therapist just to say whats going on in my life?

why if the next time monet complained her boo told her to find a therapist he would need to find a doctor?

Anonymous said...

"why the FUCK i have to find a therapist just to say whats going on in my life?"

Why? you need to let that ish out some how before you turn into the DC Sniper in this bish

Why I try not to complain a lot (that ish gets on my nerves)

Why I don't have a boo

Why when I did, that negro would not open up to me

why is that a major reason we don't kick it no more

n0days0ff said...

why imma tell nodays don't worry be happy and get some head damn it do ya ass a world of good lol


why when you date a woman with kids you cant never get none till like 4:15 in the morning when all the kids asleep and stop knocking on the door?

why when 4:15s monkey ass do roll around you try to get some you gotta hear shes too tired cause she gotta cook clean etc but you dont have to do any of that

why when you try to explain you cant never do something for yourself cause you gotta make sure she got something to cook and cant get none on top of it you complain too much?

why oh why?

n0days0ff said...

Why when I did, that negro would not open up to me

^^^ why thats probably cause he used to go out with chrissy who told him even if he get shot he cant complain .he just need to make an album like 50 cent and make money off it

Anonymous said...

Why am i watching paula deen

Why did this chick just lick the spoon and put it right back in the dish

Anonymous said...

why thats probably cause he used to go out with chrissy who told him even if he get shot he cant complain .he just need to make an album like 50 cent and make money off it
^^^^^lmmfatfo why i am DONE!!


n0days0ff said...

why im watching luke and he told his son to stay away from the girl with the baby and all i could do was :(

Anonymous said...

Why? every man is not "man" enough to take care of other peoples kids... hell some of them don't even take care of their own kids. then some women with kids really do have too much drama (some of my friends are a mess. And the stay getting dude!?!)

this sh!t better work..lmao