Why Wednesday **Special Edition**

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why the BET awards kinda sucked?

Why did Usher lip sing and still his dance moves weren't hotter than Breezy?

Why when Maxwell was singing I felt the urge to throw some panties on the stage?

Why Lil Kim looked like she had hip implants?

Why that chic from Baldwin Hills read "dot dot dot" off the telepromter?

Why I think me and my brother were the only ones to catch that?

Why I was laughing my a$$ off?

Why did Ludacris look so yummy last night?

and last Why does this leave me speechless? (look below)

Chrissy's Why's

Why i wanna know who them gays is in that pic

Why T-Wayne is gayer than that pic of them fools in gold

Why they had Keyshia Cole momma and sister reading, lmao why i kept waiting on frankie to scream TYRA MAIL!

Why I too wanted to throw some drawz @ Maxwell

Why T-Pain was damn near in every lineup of performers

Why i damn near vomited when Rick Ross came out on the stage with his belly out

Why Coko from SWV tried to out sing her damn group as usual

Why she look like an old lady

Why none of the girl groups they brought out could hit any kinda notes whatsoever

Why T-boz ain't changed her hair in 15 yrs

Why Lil Wayne called himself trying to sing last night????

Why i think Al Green smoked a blunt with Alicia Keys before the show


Anonymous said...

why quincy jones being 75 yrs old is a lie

why when they started running down all the ppl he worked with i died cause they said billie holiday

why i was like that prove he is 105 and not 75 lmmfao

why nelly and JD performance was unecessary cause they too old to be talking bout who stepped on they J's

why jennifer hudson look like an overweight oscar in that dress

why riahanna had on winona ryder's dress from beetlejuice when she was performing

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ Chrissy!

Again, why I look like a mexican island sex slave?..lol

Why did Ciara disrespect RhiRhi by workin her kitty in Chris Brown's face?

Why I would have fell out the chair, while gettin my hair done, if CB would have dropped Ciara?

Why Lil Mama looked like Strawberry Shortcake on the red carpet?

Anonymous said...

why i missed ciara popping her thang in chris face

why i bet ri ri wanted to cut her

why i didnt see the red carpet show so i can only imagine how lil mama was dressed

why dl hugley was dressed like paddington bear

DROCK said...

Why ain't nan one member of Pretty Ricky actually Pretty???

Why am I upset that I did not get to watch the show even though I hate BET and vowed never to watch it again after they played that "read a book, read a mofo book" video??

Why can I see lil kim getting hip implants??

Why T-Pain look like he could play the main character in any scary monster swamp horror flick??

Anonymous said...

Why T-Wayne looked like the Tin Man performing last night?

Why they call Marvin Sapp Warren Sapp and I thought he was the football player?...LMAO!

Why Chili ain't sing a word last night?

Why EnVogue sound better than SWV and they older?

Why TBoz have on those bellbottoms?

DROCK said...

Mzpurp said... Why Lil Mama looked like Strawberry Shortcake on the red carpet?

Why lil mama alllllways look like strawberry shortcake on the red carpet & in her videos,etc...

Why can't I find a video of C.B. and Ciara doing whatever they hell they was doing with her WHOHA over his face???

Anonymous said...

Why Rick Ross manz aint tell him to put a shirt on

Why I wanted to bite A. Keys

Aint Pretty Ricky a lil to old to be called pretty, aint it about time to cross over to handsom or sumin

Why they had David Banner up there as tha fture artist, aint he been ot since...

Why T Pain was dressed like tha Tin man from tha black version of the wizard of oz

Why so many people was M.I.A. last night, they didn't get tha memo for tha show date or sumin.

Anonymous said...

why every award they gave out nobody was there lmmfao

Kaliente said...

"Why T-boz ain't changed her hair in 15 yrs "


why i didn't even get to see the BET awards from start to finish so i can't even why with y'all like that!

Anonymous said...

you ain't miss shit lil sis lmao cept a bunch of bullshit, and they will rerun it about 1500 times till next season's show so i am sure you will catch it

Kaliente said...

^LMAO why u right about them re runs tho...shyt if it had've been MTV i would have seen it already! lol

why i saw Aliciaz performance and i was wondering why everybody was singing so low....a keys, t-boz, hell i thought she was gonna break down...she looked a little high tho. saw t-pains performance, he's funny...ummm oh and Chris browns...CICI can dance her azz off and i didn't know she was that skinny, her tall azz...LOL why they kept puttin the camera on RI RI...HAHA

Anonymous said...

why i missed the damn ri ri chris part damn it lol

Kaliente said...

LMAO..why am i hungry

why i made some chicken n rice last night

why i brought the rest to work

why i got some hotsauce to put on this shyt

why it's yellow rice!

why i'mm fukk this shyt up!

why i know y'all was talkin bout the BET awards, but hell i'm hungry!

Bahama said...

Why is this my first time in the why box?

Why I don't feel like whying bout that wack show last night?

Why my head hurts?

Why I ain't do not nan bit of work?

Why I want some yellow rice?

Why I was suppose to have yellow rice last night?

Why I didn't cuz my aunt cooked crab and rice?

Why it was off the damn chain like free slaves?

Bahama said...

why chrissy need to go head on and check her mail

Anonymous said...

Why it was off the damn chain like free slaves?
^^^^^^why that's gon be my new shit now lmao

Anonymous said...

@ K...Why I wish I had some hot sauce for my fried pork chop?

Why I saw this video for "Shake Yo Poak Chops" and the person singin it was a transvestite??...

Why I'm soooo ready for lunch?

Why I'm broke and mad cuz I can't go get a dranky drank on my lunch break?

Anonymous said...

Why im glad I broght my sk to this brief at work

Why people ask questions that are already answered

Why dude givin tha brief got a stutterin problem

Why I can't hide my laughter

Why I been ready to get off work since I got to work

Why tha white dude phone ring & his ring tone is flo rida elevator

Anonymous said...

Why I'm broke and mad cuz I can't go get a dranky drank on my lunch break?

^^^^^^lmao why that's what ya ass get coming back all drunk and chilled out and thangs while i gotta sit throo work and wait till i get home to get drunk.....

Anonymous said...

BOOOO @ Chrissy..lol..I'm sorry you could feel like me too! Just put some in your cup when you come back from your lunch break!...HAHA!

Why I'm so glad I gotta half day on Friday?

Why my boo was pressed to take off too?

Why my hands so ashy it look like I was punching bricks?

Why my friend saw a pic of her boo's grandma and said it look like she been chewing brick gum?

Why is that the funniest sh*t I've heard all day?

HotSauce!! said...

WHY WHY WHY did i like the fact that i didn't sit through the whole BET awards talent show

why all of ya'll why's had me pissing my self with your why's

Why lil Manma look like she just crawled off the candy land board game set

Why i want to pistol whip each member of pretty ricky

why the BET awards needs to be shut down for 5 years to re-group and talk about a true vision

Notch said...

Why was the BET so bootleg last nite??

Why rick ross look like he breast feed triplets with them big ol' saggy titties

Why Cuba looked/acted high as a mug?

Why David Banner had me thinking he might have to go on my "baby daddy" list last nite..(sorry chrissy...lol)

Why Al green thought he was on the pulpit..preaching and singing at the same time

Why yall stay talking about damn food..lol

Anonymous said...

Why David Banner look like he wanted to slap the sh*t outta Cassie cuz she couldn't read the teleprompter thingy?

Why David Banner looks SEXXY AS F*CK last night?

Why I wish he performed and got SWEATY for me?

Why am I so in luv with him?

Kaliente said...

LMAO @ Purp..don't cha hate when u ain't got no hotsauce????

LMAO @ anon in the meeting and dudes cell went off...i would have bust out laughin'!!

why r we so busy today

Notch said...

LOL @ Purp

why i think Puffy need to put Cassie on a hooked on phonics workout

Kaliente said...

LMAO..uh oh CHriss finna get on y'all bout David!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Notch...nah he can't cause she hooked on his d*ck!..LMAO! She know how to say that! and put that sh*t in her mouth!..HAHAHAAHAHAHA!

Why I crack myself up?

@ K...right! Cuz usually these "Why's" would be up to like 60-something already...

Kaliente said...

@ purp, yea we slippin on the why'z..we in queue

Gotta go to training again...it will be 3 hours today..gott go get a redbull!!! luv y'all pray that i get thru this BS..lol

I'll holla in 3 hours...actually 4 cuz i go to lunch after that

Anonymous said...

Why do I think some folks didn't watch the BET Awards 'cause it was GOOD!

Why did Maxwell have me falling over my ottoman and wishing I could touch him through the TV?

Why do I always call "SWV" "SUV". I got corrected a million times last night.

Why was I hollering to Ludacris, "Marry me!"? Damn, he looked sooooooo good!

Why was I liking T-Pain so much last night? I loved him!

Why did I laugh when I saw Usher fall?

Why was Lil Kim on the show?

Why did Rihanna act like she was tired of singing her song? She was listless.

Why was Diddy runnin' around like a drunk, black fool?

Why do I want to ride Flo-Rida?

Um, that's all for now.

Anonymous said...

why yall heifers all over david like yall just now discovering his sexy

why yall can't get him cause he belongs to ME in my dreams anyway

why he looked like he needed to be licked by me on that stage last night

why imma go to lunch and when i come back these why's better be popping

Anonymous said...

why dj kahled was acting like my son when he done had too many popsicles and starburts

504 said...

why is everybody always picking on me ?

why you treat me so bad ?

why come you don't call me anymore ?

why ask why ?

why you getting funky on me ?

why you WANNA treat me so bad ?

why when i'm bored & neglected i tend to forget about why wednesday ?

why i missed 85% of the awards although it was on my tube ?

why i got mad when b/f came over & turned it on the awards ?

why i can't why too much about the awards cause like i said, i missed 85% ?

why i kinda enjoyed the chris brown & cece show ?

why i like t-pain (no homo) (WAIT!?) not in the LIKE like sense but in the "he's entertaining" sense ?

why i have no words for lil kim or that dumb ass lil mama ?

why i'm the only one who thinks al green sounded like a bag of shit ?

why after reading this shit, i'mma hafta watch the shit again ? (rolls eyes)

why all i saw was chris brown & cece, t-wayne, nelly & co., the al green show & i glanced at rhi rhi....other than that, the damn show was watching me download music.

why come when you buy a car, for the first 2 years, you see cars like your at least 50 times a day ?

why the same applies for you b/f or g/f 's car ?

Anonymous said...

why all i saw was chris brown & cece, t-wayne, nelly & co., the al green show
^^^^^^^ why that sound like a lineup of music acts bout to appear on soul train

why i watched the whole show but i missed the chris and ri ri sex on the stage part

why al green sounded like he ain't hit nan note in 35 yrs

why i am a huge fan but al need to gon and retire

why everybody was entertained by t-pain new age geroge clinton ass

why he irked me bout as much as nelly and JD did talking bout watch my J's and they both grown mofo men

why you treat me so bad was the jam back when bobble was wearing jordache jeans and british knight sneakers....

504 said...

lol nooooo i was wearing lee jeans & l.a. gear !!

Tech said...

Why it gotta be so hott

why aint nobody made a business short suit

Why stick man got a jacket on

Why you madd at tha world cuz you drive a suv & can't afford to turn tha a/c on

Why Dj kahled always screamin "we tha best" who is he talkin about?

Why somebody feel tha need to call me at 3am from a private #, you to private for me

Tech said...

Why usher didn't perform that movin mountains song instead of luv in this club

Anonymous said...

lol nooooo i was wearing lee jeans & l.a. gear !!
^^^^^^^ well what's the differance, lol i bet you had different colored fila's too huh bobble ann, gon admit it you know you did....

504 said...

lol bobble, my momma couldn't afford that shit but guess what ? i used to draw the "fila" for school kids lol...i was elementary when fila came on the scene

Anonymous said...

Why usher didn't perform that movin mountains song instead of luv in this club

^^^^^ why imma answer that fa ya tech, and welcome to our blog btw

why usher ain't sing moving mountains? cause don't nobody like that song

why he sang love in the club cause he knew he could get away with lip singing on that song eaiser than that horrible moving mointais BS

why him singing moving mountais prolly would have been awful had he sung it live cause it's awful period lol

why i hope this was helpful tech

Pigskin Loving Lady said...

**why aint nobody made a business short suit LOL

Why do I have a new concept for the BET awards

Why even have a host, just let all the nominees perform and hand out the awards before or after the show

Why would they be a dope ass concert

Why do they always put one gospel act on the program

Why is always after a really raunchy song

why did Maxwell grab his wee-wee on live television

why was I looking to notice that

why didn't I know Alicia Keys had hips like that

Why was she working her hips

Why was her mic louder than errbody elses

why was key key cole and her court jester (lil kim) a hot mess

Why did I just give my two week notice

Why am I so freakin happy!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol bobble, my momma couldn't afford that shit but guess what ? i used to draw the "fila" for school kids lol...i was elementary when fila came on the scene

^^^^^ why i wanted some fila's worse than an addict wanted his next hit, and i look back now and think lawd why???? lol

Anonymous said...

Why would they be a dope ass concert
^^^^^why PSLL been talking to bobble talking bout DOPE ass concert, lawd i love you old school ppl refusing to give in to the year that it is, forever living in 1993 and shit, must be nice.....

Bahama said...

why usher ain't sing moving mountains? cause don't nobody like that song

why is chrissy buggin? that song is HAWT!

why i went on an interview?

why it only part-time?

why i'm eating so I'll why lata

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

Why is there not ONE day mattresses are NOT on sale?

504 said...

why bobble lou lewis needs to give into peer pressure & jump on the bandwagon ?

funky fresh
cool cat
cool breeze
cat daddy
outta sight
dynomite !
tubalur (sp ck)
brotha man
my brotha
young blood
skin tight
to the breaka dawn
peace out
lil daddy
lil momma
road dawg
cold blooded
ice cold
too legit
esay (for bobble)
chica (for bobble)
i may be back with more

Anonymous said...

hey shot what's poppin'

504 said...

um it has come to my attention that i forgot:

jive turkey

Anonymous said...

Why I'm just getting back to my desk from lunch?

Why I took an extended lunch break?

Why I was gon for like an hour and a half?

Why I was just outside walkin in circles talkin to my boo?

Why my earring just broke again in the same spot?

Why my baby gon have a nice cold bottle of Ciroc waiting for me when I get to his house?

Why I wanted to be on stage with Diddy and Lauren London when he gave her a glass of Ciroc?

Why I have a (no homo) crush on Lauren London?

Why does a pint of Ciroc cost $22?

Why I bought one last night, drunk most of it, and wondered why I passed out and my head was hurtin so bad this mornin?

Bahama said...

Why I have a (no homo) crush on Lauren London?

^^^Why I said the same thing? I told my brother she is my girl crush.

Anonymous said...

esay (for bobble)
chica (for bobble)
^^^^^lmmfao this why i fukks with her ass tho.....i can't stop laughing , and FYI, my husband STILL say the following:

young blood
cousin (shortens it to cuz)
lil momma
cold blooded

Notch said...

why im hearing on the radio that some of the people at the awards had a fight but i dont know who it was?

504 said...

Bahama said...
Why I have a (no homo) crush on Lauren London?

^^^Why I said the same thing? I told my brother she is my girl crush.

why is she so annoyingly adorable with those damn dimples ? makes me wish i had another one. i have one dimple lol.

504 said...

bobble, why hubby is comfortable in his old age so leave him be. he ain't trying to be young & using all the young slang of today....tell hubby i said RIGHT ON !

Anonymous said...

bobble, why hubby is comfortable in his old age so leave him be. he ain't trying to be young & using all the young slang of today....tell hubby i said RIGHT ON

^^^^^ lmmfao why he is older than even needs to ba allowed cause throo out the whole show last night he kept saying shit like "who da hell is this nigga on the stage with whatisname, lmmfao or WHO IS THAT refering to lil kim....

504 said...

lol bobble NB has pics on her site & i was like, harpo, who dat ?

Anonymous said...

lmao more like what's that.....

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 504!!

& "cold-blooded" is my fav~! Cuz ICE COOOOOLLLLDDDd!!!...LMAO!

Why LL didn't get too much air play last night?

Why I just went to the bathroom and this lady came in after me and farted so loud in the stall it scared me?

Why she only shake her hands under the water and left out the bathroom?

Why the people who work on my florr so nasty?

Tech said...

Why am I tha only one that like movin mountians song

Why I been peepin out this blog for like 2 weeks, postin as anonymos cause I was to lazy to get a google accn

Why I sleep thru my lunch break now um starvin

Why these fries from Mc D is bangin

Why thank you Chrissy for tha nice welcomin, um f**ks wit this blog

Bahama said...

Why am I tha only one that like movin mountians song


why you ignored me, i said i like it..lol and 2 weeks eh? anyway welcome put ya feet up and clean up behind yourself! lol

Anonymous said...

so tech you a male or female i need to know so i can determine weather or not i can flirt with you....and like bammy said make ya'self comfortable, clean ya messes, and no smoking inside, that goes for blunts, joints, pipes,bongs, ciggaretes whatever....lmao

Tech said...

Why I overlooked ya comment bahama, my bad

Why it looks like its about to rain now that im bout to get off work

Why gas prices keep goin up $4.35 for premium

Pigskin Loving Lady said...

Why is your man (larry) back on the market @ Bahama

Why am I excited that football season is around the corner

Why am I going to the hall of fame in canton, oh

Why if I get proposition by a football player to do it - Imma do it

Why if they pay me- does that make me a prostitute

Why if they pay me a lot of money, am I suppose to tell my husband lol

Why am I horny

Why did I type that, is it TMI?

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

Mz Purp, why that farting lady's cousin work at my job??

Why dude feel the need to make shitty noises like he working on dismantling a engine tlaking about "Unn....sssssss....yackkkk..ungh....!"

Why he walk RIGHT past the sinks like they got hydrochloric acid in them?

Why he be trying to dap AIRbody up?

Why Shot be dodgning him like Chrissy people be dodging anyone with a goverment-looking uniform on?

Maria and Juarez, come out the damn freezer. That's the UPS guy! Prolly delivering some kush for Chrissy!

Pigskin Loving Lady said...

Maria and Juarez, come out the damn freezer. ROFL ROFL

I found this funny as hell and wrong all at the same time!

Tech said...

Male & how about yaself? Thanks for tha welcomin. & I'll be sure to take tha blacks & blunt smoke outside

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

tech speaking of gas prices:

Why isn't there a law to keep them slow ass mopeds OFF the road?

And why are there entirely too many obese people riding them - looking like a mattress from 1/4 mile back - holding up traffic while that poor lawnmower engine screams "Wheeeeeeeeeilll somebody get this MF off me?!?!?!" - going 6 mph - getting 6 mpg - with rolls dragging on the pavement?

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

tech twist one up for Chrissy and she skraight!

grey goose said...

Why i love to read the whys?

why i laugh super hard on Wednesdays?

Why I this my first why?

why am i mad that i missed the BET Award Show after I read the whys?

Bahama said...

Why is your man (larry) back on the market @ Bahama

^^^ why you ain't know I seduced him and fixing to get married!! LMAO but nah i'm so happy!!!! lol

Why I overlooked ya comment bahama, my bad
Why that's okay Tech!

Most Enlightened One Buddha SureShot said...

Yes, most honorable goos is loose!

Shot must inquire why T-Pain look like evil goblin Prince keeps at Paisley Park to ward off unwelcome visitors?

Why T-Pain look like he'll eat greasy chicken with no hands (like he in a KFC eating contest) and stay armorall shiny for weeks?

Bahama said...

OOOOH we getting newbies we getting newbies..CHRISSY pop the PISS -TAL ( we can't afford cristal yet)

Anonymous said...

pis-stal popped bammy...

and imma send shot ass a copy of my birth certificate so he can get off my case about me being an illegal immigrant.....lol

Anonymous said...

LOL! @ Chrissy

Why I'm ready to go hooooommmmeee:(

grey goose said...

why yall complaining bout work, ive been off for 4 weeks?

why im bout to go crazzzzzzy?

why im sitting here watching the golden girls?

why they funny as hell when u buzzed?

Anonymous said...

Male & how about yaself?

^^^^^^^.......look @ the name of the blog, that should tell ya....

Tech said...

Betta safe than sorry Chrissy, I felt tha sameway about my name

Anonymous said...

lmao tech can go either way, where as 2 ditzy BROADS can't lol

Tech said...

Why people drive slow in tha fast lane

Why traffic gotta be movin so slow

Why I need a drink

Why aint no place like home

Why I keep catchin all the red lights

Anonymous said...

why it sound like tech why'n and driving @ the same time lol

Anonymous said...


Why tech need to be careful?

Why I'm bout to sneak out of the office and go home?

Why I been outta the office more than I've done work today?

Why I can tell that some of my *white* coworkers don't like my hair, or can't understand how I switched it up so fast?

Why they haven't said anything to me all day?

Why they don't kno that it's here to stay?

Bahama said...

why DOES it sound that he is?

interesting? well that's my time folks..I'm outtie like the name of Lil Kims plastic surgeon..GONE!

Anonymous said...

lmmfao bammy nutz, lata partna...

Anonymous said...

Why did I forget about why wednesdays

Why did I not know that the EBT (yes, EBT, courtesy of Fresh) Award show was on until I checked the blogs last night

Why did Al thank the "Academy" (like they are really that intelligent)

Why did Anthony have on those shoes

Why does Maxwell's voice just does it...

Why is the air so bad and it's so hot

why does it feel like I have asthma

why do I want to go to the beach

Why do I still use the phrase lil mama, yessir, cuz, fam, bruh, and ya'll know that I luv cold blooded...

****Why I just went to the bathroom and this lady came in after me and farted so loud in the stall it scared me?

Why she only shake her hands under the water and left out the bathroom?

^^^ why did this have me cracking up laughing
Why do I think that she is white

Kaliente said...


why am i JUST noticing your name is MONET ALL DAY

i ain't gone tell you wih my quick glancin azz i always read it as MONTEL ALL DAY...LMAO

why ya azz so late??? LOL

Jay Midnyte said...

Why Why I miss special edition of why Wednesday?

Why my only why is why at the awards miss Lauren London came out with Diddy instead of me?

Sha Sha said...

lmaoooo @ the why's

why didn't any of the mics work

oh I didn't know Cassie was still alive, thanks BET for letting me know she is still around...NOT!

Sha Sha said...

montellallday that bathroom story was too funny

this sh!t better work..lmao