Why Wednesday

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

All right chick-a-dee's yall know what today is.



Why am I so sleepy?

Why do I have real work to do that i don't feel like doing?

Why i don't really have any why's?

Why do I get the feeling today is going to be a long day?

Why is it only something to 9 and i'm all ready thinking about lunch?

Why is that usually the highlight of my day?

Why when i think of the sandman I picture Dennis Rodman?
why botox lady stay asking me how she look
why she gon ask me is my dress too short, do my legs look orange, and do my eyes look tight, all before i had my morning pepsi
why i was like do you have a mirror @ home, or am i your mirror
why her ass laugh and say no seriously answer my questions
why i wasn't even trying to be funny
why the man @ the chevron up the street from my job, follow my black ass every single time i go in his store
why imma shock his ass one day and follow him as he follow me
why today they testing the alarm system, and the guy who work here with a touch of alzheimer's keep running up here talking bout should we leave?
why the alarms have went off like 5 times now, and about 3 out them 5 times his ass been ready to jump ship
why lawd help me is that soooooooooooooooo funny to me cause we got an e-mail yesterday saying what the deal was gon be


Anonymous said...

why when i post the why's all my shit run together....

Anonymous said...

why i have a dream bout lil wayne last night but for the life of me i can't remember what the dream was about

Anonymous said...

why i bet not be the only mofo why'n today

why i forgot to tell bobble ann that on the season finale of miss rap supreme roxanne shante gon be on there looking like somebody's granny

why i alwyas wonder if that old lady on the train in coming to america took them earrings eddie gave her home, or to the pawn shop

why my son call eddie murphy norbit, i don't give a damn what movie eddie is in it could be mofo 48 hrs, bommerang my son still gon holla, "heeeeeeeeey that's norbit"

DROCK said...

why crissy got the top 3 WHY post?

why Billary Clinton won't drop the F_ck out the race?

why she got a puppet mouth?

why Michele and Obama knuckle up on the stage?

why could and my husband relate?

why did seeing them knuckle up on stage almost bring to tears because they just might make it into the white man's house?

Bahama said...

why i have a dream bout lil wayne last night but for the life of me i can't remember what the dream was about

^^^why the hell dreaming bout lil wayne?

Why in the scary a$$ hell would you wanna remember it?

why if i had a dream about lil wayne i'd call it a nightmare

DROCK said...

why i got like five typos in my first why post??

why i know yall know what the hell i was tryin to say??

DROCK said...

why am i glad B. Mama can't remember what her dream with lil wayne was about, cause she will remember that it was more like a nightmare!!!

DROCK said...

why am i still feeling the effects of eating pinto beans two days ago??

Bahama said...

why i tried to fix chrissy's why's but it don't wanna work

Anonymous said...

why i guess i should call it a night mare yall

why i think i dreamt about him cause the last thing i saw on tv before i went to sleep was the lollipop video

why i am afraid to remember the dream now since we have clarified it was really a nightmare

Bahama said...

why drock thought it was me that had that dreamof weezyana...

why it wasn't...lol

why just thinking about it scares me?

Anonymous said...

why i tried to fix chrissy's why's but it don't wanna work

^^^^^why i wanna know what's up with that bammy cause i tried too, spaced em and everything then when i go to post, same damn way all run together

Anonymous said...

why these ppl here wanna get on my nerves today

why this man keep walking throo here singin' ain't no sunshine when she's gone

why i wish who ever he singing bout would come back so he'd shut the fuck up sheesh

why another dude keep walking around, past, throo, and all up in my area not wanting shit talking bout he wanted a mint, fool the mint bowl is empty

why i see a slap coming on....

Bahama said...

why am i bored yet again?

why chrissy needs to check her e-mail

why i got a fit of the giggles??

Anonymous said...

why i wanna see that damn site myself bammy

Anonymous said...

why this man need to stop,

why they still testing the alarms, and they driving this po' old man crazy

why his ass keep coming up here with his keys and jacket like he really ready to evacuate

why i keep telling him it's just a test

why he tried to play it off this time and say i know that,

DROCK said...

why crissy being sterngy wit the mints?

why B. Mama acting like she don't wanna be lil wayns 2nd baby mama??

why is there a tape supposedly floating round the net where Michelle Obama talkin bout WHITEY..why these white people on the radio getting real happy about it? why I hope da hell it ain't true??

504 said...

why bammy always talk about how hungry she is in her initial whys ?

why i'm surprised bammy hasn't whyed about gas prices yet ?

why i hope she mentions gas cause if she don't , i'll live out all my fantasies cause the world as we know will end by 12 midnight !?

why i think bobble lou's lil wayne dream was some sort of lord of the rings type shit with weezy being the lil hobbit looking thing ?

why her alzhiemers co-worker needs to start his retirement plans like "i bathe daily" ?

why my lil brother been calling eddie murphy "donkey" ever since the first shrek & nothing else & he's 12 !?

why drocky bet'not have me choking on my food with that damn hilary puppet mouth comment !!!??

why i sooooo agree with her lol ?

why i need to get into my why's since i addressed everyone elses ?

why we're not moving our stuff til tomorrow ?

why i'm happy cause i didn't pack like i should've yesterday ?

why i haven't started today yet ?

why i'm doing everything but packing ?

why i'mma wait for my co-worker to come back from a meeting cause he packs like it ain't nothing ?

why i'm too organized which is why i don't need to pack cause i waster valuable time ?

why i have an appetite for destruction ?

DROCK said...

why Tatum O'neil talkin bout she was happy the po, po's arrested her??

why u know she was in jail mad as hell cause she ain't have no crack??

DROCK said...

why 504 got an appetite for destruction but not an appetite for some white castle or olive garden or rallys??

why that suddenly give me an appetite for some pasta and all u can eat bread sticks..

Anonymous said...

why i bet tatum wish she hadda gon and smoked that rock for the po po's got her drock

why i agree bobble if that man come up here one mo time asking me what is going on, imma just tell him to retire

why that e-mail arcelia sent scared the shit outta me

why i wanna remember that lil wayne dream so bad but i can't

why i think that is a good thing

why if bobble brother calling eddie donkey, i know my son gon stay calling him norbit till the end of time

why packing irks me

why when we move, imma just throw shit in a box and keep it moving

why they told us that we can't hire movers we gotta do this shit ourselves

why i was like cool, cause i don't have too much shit to move but them fools in the whse gon catch it, lmao

504 said...

why bobble won't leave me in the past where i belong ?

why songs were hawt back in the days say 15- 30 years ago ?

why that "looking boy" song is sooooo eff'in funny to me ?

why thinking about the song "pyt" disturbs me ? think about it

why i ain't playing with ya'll all day today ?

504 said...

why drock don't know i always have an apetite for destroying some olive garden pasta ?

why she don't know i had some olive garden saturday evening ?

why she don't know my b/f paid for it & we have a deal that if he pays & i don't eat it all, he can eat it ?

why i tried to negotiate that deal ?

why i wanted to eat it all while i was there but couldn't ?

why i gave him less than have the pasta but a whole piece of chicken & he was happy but i wanted all the pasta but happy cause he didn't eat it all ?

why i'm too full to be lusting over olive garden right now ?

Anonymous said...

why that "looking boy" song is sooooo eff'in funny to me ?
^^^^^^^ why that is the funniest shit ever bobble

why i wish they wouls slow it down just a lil so i could hear all of the "looking boy's" they saying

why i want bobble to come into the 2008 light like carol anne

why i think bobble WILL NEVER come into the light of 2008 she gon stay in the disco ball lit era of 76

why her kids gon grow up knowing everything about good times, debarge, slinky's and anything else circa 1978

why her kids gon be like them kids in that brady bunch movie, lmao

why i would still cyber luv her "i love the 70's" kids even if they are decades behind which wouldn't be they fault, it would be they momma fault....

504 said...

why they'll learn to love it as i do ?

why bobble lou is a closet old skooler ?

why she want more people to openly speak about their old skool addictions b4 she openly admit hers ?

why i feel the need to tell her "it's okay, there are more like us all over the world, bobble lou, just like me & you" ?

why i bet she wish she can throw something at me right now ?

why i'm laughing about it too ?

Anonymous said...

why i am lmmfao @ bobble ann calling me a closet old schooler

why i feel the need to confess that i am

why all music from about 1197 to now sucks cept for a choice few

why i love the o'jays

why i also love al green

why i got a 1972 ashtry in my living room right now as we speak

why i also got the 1982 twin siamease cats my momma had on her wall when we were kids, she passed em on down to me

why i bet bobble know bout them cats cause she a cat owner and an old schooler

why them cats go right along with them big ass slave spoons and fork sets, and the jj paintings that all black ppl had on they walls back in the day

Anonymous said...

why all music from about 1197 to now sucks cept for a choice few
^^^^^lmmfao why i read this and was like huh????

why i ain't gon change it to 1997 like it's supposed to be cause hell, it's funny lmao

Anonymous said...

why it's only wednesday

why it can't be friday

why i get so sick of these ppl coming in here soliciting shit

why the black mail man is lazy as all get out

why this one dude here nosier than anybody else in this office he check the mail, greet visitors, he need to sit his ass up here and let me leave lol

HotSauce!! said...

Why I hate you all for making me pee myself a little

Why that was too much information

why i got three interns asking me to give them work when i obviously don't have no work because i blog all damn day

Why the summer interns want to grow up and have my job, when all i do is answer the phones and make copies

why children stop wanting me be doctors and lawyers and settling for staff assist jobs

why the phone don't stop ringing

why i just pull the phone cord out and gonna pretend i didn't know

why i'm about to jump out the window cause I hate my job

Anonymous said...

why i feel everything sauce saying

why i bet you get the kinda calls i get all day long too

why i got this one fool who call everyday without fail and ask for the same dude who he know never in the office, but he be telling me to page him and see

why i never page that invisible man cause he is never here

why when i get back on the phone and tell dude he ain't answer the page he say ok i will call him on his cell

why i know one day i will no longer be able to hold back the urge to say nigga you should have done that in the 1st place

why when i get frustrated with the phones sauce, i turn the volume down so i can't hear it ring

why botox lady will answer bout 20 calls and be like is your phone working calls your calls are ringing back to me

i be like yeah it's working fine

why one chick who work here stalker boyfriend call every hour on the hour

why he ain't even got to say her whole name all i do is here his voice and i transfer his nutty butty ass

why imma ask her one day, is he beating on you? lmao

Anonymous said...

why we got a dude here that looks like sonic the hedgehog cause of his haircut

why we got a dude here who looks like the sherrif stepdad on pet sememtary 2

why we got a dude who who looks like santa claus

why we got a dude here who sound like that dude on the clear eyes commercial

why i got nicknames for everybody who work here

why we got a dude who look like lurch work here

why am i why'n alone and i am not liking it i need a why'n partner....

Anonymous said...

why I know I should be doing some sort of Barack Obama blog post but I'm just too lazy?

why I don't know if this blog thing is gonna work out for me cause I'm too lazy?

why I wanna give more whys but I'm too lazy?

Anonymous said...

why o going on about being lazy

why when ppl say they lazy, i wanna know if they house a damn mess

why ppl who live like sloppy pigs, clothes all over the place, tools on the kitchen table, plates sitting on the coffee table from days ago, they wanna say dumb ass shit to you like "excuse the mess"

why i be like how in the hell do you excuse this shit? you can't excuse the fact that ya crib look like somebody dumped about 32 trash bins in it....

Anonymous said...

why my best buddies, the double B's ain't here

why the double B's gon have yall like who da hell is that?

why imma let yall figure it out who they are lol

why i am pissed cause i bet the one B is either sleep or packing, and the other B is either working or she done left me and went home to sleep till her heart is content...

why i am the lone musketeer then since them heifers done bounced

Bahama said...


why i'm here i just ain't got no why's?

why i'm chilling on the UB?

why i'm also scaning bossip for lace dizzle and my Art to d!ck sucking?

why Karrine stole our damn idea?

why is O so lazy?

why am i lazy too cause i got this order on my desk that's been here since 10?

why it ain't got no kind of writing on it?

Anonymous said...

why i never go to the UB cause all i can see is words, not pictures, lol don't ask...

why i can't believe bammy is why-less

why imma say you have to why about what is close to your heart and you will see the light bammy and the why's will come and flow....

why that was the lamest shit ever lmao

why imma take that back and say nick cannon is the lamest shit ever

why wild n out ain't good anymore since kett left

why it's a chick on there now who is like old enough to be nick's granny

why her old ass need to stop that shit she too old to be "wildn'out"

Anonymous said...

why kett=katt

HotSauce!! said...

Why today feel like a day everyone should just go home get in the bed and go to sleep with a pillow between they legs and sucking on our thumbs

why the why sounds bad depressing

why i'm about to leave work to go find a happy hour.

why i feel the need to be mad drunk and un-controlable

Bahama said...

why i feel the need to be mad drunk and un-controlable


wait your not drunk and uncontrolable all ready?? LMAO KIT_TING!!!

Anonymous said...

lmmfao @ sauce, da hell you been all this time? you just as crazy, if not crazier then me and bammy, and our paths never crossed till now.......i blame oprah

504 said...

lol why you threw me completely off with that 1197 ?

why i was bout to say DAMN bobble, was there even music b4 1197 ?

why were you listening to back then, the sounds of the jungle ?

504 said...

why bobble lou gonna be like why de hell bobble ann whying about my why from 1996 ?

HotSauce!! said...

Why bamy think i'm a wino

Why my natural high is wearing off

why chrissy want me to come hang out with her and bamy so we can all get arrested and end up on Best week Ever

Why we should plan a meet and greet and start a riot...

why i want to be handcuffed

Anonymous said...

why i just came back from vegas with no money??

why i help but gamble money i aint got??

why i went to vegas with skinny bitches that wanna eat at the buffet all day?

why did i eat all day wit the skinny bitches?

why i take cheap ass spirit airlines to vegas?

why you gotta pay 3 dollars for water on spirit airlines?

Anonymous said...

why some strippers got lil diks?? (isnt a big pee pee a requirement??)

why i tried to make it rain in the strip club?

why I offered one of the skrippers in the club 3 quarters cuz thats all i had in my purse?

why he took my three quarters??

504 said...

why is that sooo effin funny to me notchy ?

why you should stay with 5 dollars in quarters & make it hail on the skrippers all night !?

Pigskin Loving Lady said...

Why am I cramping real bad and craving a percocet

Why I like popping percocet when Advil could take of the pain

Why did a tornado just blow through the DC metro area

Why all the white people run to the windows

Why my ass just sit here and read the Why's

Why - because I'm high of percocet lol

Pigskin Loving Lady said...

Why did i leave words out of my sentences

Why I know y'all filled in the blanks

HotSauce!! said...

why the stripper was making mad noise after you gave him .75 LMAO

HotSauce!! said...

why the stripper was making mad noise after you gave him .75 LMAO

Hugo Newman said...

1. Why do gynecologists leave the room when a chick is getting undressed for her exam?

2. Why didn't they put a light in the freezer - like the Frigidaire?

3. Why does my toaster have a "Hell" setting that burns my bread to a Kingsford Charcoal consistency?

4. What do folks in China call their good dinner plates?

5. Why Tameka Foster always look like she on the verge of chopping a b*tch in the throke!

6. Why do all these store have double doors but keep one of them locked all the damn time?

7. Why this dude tell me that people call him Charlie - short for Charles - both of them got 6 letters!!!!

8. I froze some steaks in February. The package had an expiration date of February. I put ii in the sink so it could thaw for dinner tonight. Why don't them dumb ass steaks remember that they ass should have gone bad about 5 months ago?

8. Let's pretend there were no such things as mulberry bushes - why in the fuck would a monkey chase a weasel?

9. Why did I go to a cow party and saw them playing moosical chairs?

10. Why is Notch making it hailstorm in the club?

Anonymous said...

Why ask why?

Bahama said...

why i don't know who Hugo is but he has the whying down to a t?

LOL why is the clock taking forever to get to 4:30?

HotSauce!! said...

Why hugo have peeing and crying right now about the damn moosical chairs.....LMAO....

why something always have to end with me peeing myself

why i need to go buy a box or depends if i can't stop peeing

why i'm too old for that shit

Anonymous said...

why people keep inviting my fat greedy ass to dinner when they know my belly looks about 14.7 months??

why my fat greedy ass keeps saying hellz yeah to free dinner?

Anonymous said...

why all that shit had me dying

why i want some percocet as well PSLL share

why idda died offa that broke ass skripper notch taking a sistah change, his ass must really need it

why i am double dead offa 14
.7 month belly

why that person we have never heard of shut them why's down, that damn monkey chasing a weasel....lmmfao

Anonymous said...

Why do people with stank-a** breath wanna whisper in your ear!?


:::Marcus LANGFORD:::

Anonymous said...

Why the steaks got to be dumb ass steaks?

Jay Midnyte said...

Why the radio here have like a 3 song rotation?

Why I wanna find out who burnt 50 house?

Why R. Kelly is the shit for having threesomes on basketball courts??

Why I take that back cuz the girls was prolly underage?

Why i'ma dye if this fool gets off scotch free?

Why scott storch is broke as fuck and gotta pay girls 10G'z to eff with him?

Why I don't need a PHD?

I already got a Pretty Huge Dick

504 said...

why does jay need a swift kick in the nuts for that last statement ?

why i get excited when i see new commenters UP IN HERE up in here cause i know my bobbleheads have arrived !?

Bahama said...

Why I don't need a PHD?

I already got a Pretty Huge Dick

^^^ LMAO why you steal kanye lines!!!

why it was mad funny tho

why Marcus thank ya for stopping by

why i know yall like that why word play..lol

Jay Midnyte said...

lol uh oh Bam Bam on her game, yea i jacked Kanye

he killed that album it was funny 2

Anonymous said...

Why I can't wait for somebody to follow me around the store, so I can flip it on them like Chrissy.

That was hilarious. Yall are da fools...

Anonymous said...

Dammit, I am late.

Why this dumb ass co worker doesn't know how much a Metrocard is (for my NYC heads)?

Why my "once in a while" peen said to me, "let me get some money together to come see you because I ain't working."?

Why does a Long Island Iced Tea sound about good right now?

Why did this lady on the train ask me "how many stops until 14th Street" with her funky ass breath and her headphones on? Why didn't she take them off to hear the announcer tell us what the next stop was?

Why are celebrities losing their homes this year?

Why does my hair look like a cross between Chaka Khan and Diana Ross right about now?

Just why?

this sh!t better work..lmao