Perusing the net and i have been coming across some disturbingly weird stories, that i am sure all of you have read, and prolly thought for a hot second, are we still on planet Earth here.....
Headliner # 1-Clay Aiken a Mofo Daddy?
I read this story and was like huh? How, Who, Why, turns out he got some old chick who has no business carrying a fetus to become artificially inseminated with his sperm, tell me that shyt don't make you say a double DA HELL?

Headliner # 2-Fiddy Baby Momma House becomes a Towering Inferno.
1st thing that popped into my head was these fools is taking it to the extreme, if Fiddy, or his Baby Momma set that house on fire they are a few beers short of a 6 pack, if she did it, why she ain't just stop and do what the rest of us women do, and smash his car up, and if he did it, why he ain't just stop and do what the rest of you males do and stand outside our crib @ 3 in the am talking shit..... setting houses on fire while ppl in it???? Refer to War of the Roses a movie starring Michael Douglas and some chick who resembles a drag queen for more info on the extremes a couple will go to to keep they house from the other spouse...

Headliner # 3 Hulk Hogan's Son wants to be released from solitary confinement.
Yall know the story, boy is rich, boy does what he wants drives drunk, wreaks expensive car, puts friend in a coma, goes to jail, BUT because he is a minor, he is in solitary confinement for his whole 8mth sentence, why this fool asking the judge can he be let out into regular population with them other fools???? Seriously, who asks for that shit? I know he prolly lonesome but damn 8 months in solitary confinement is better than 8 hrs in regular population having to make sure you can eat your own damn cornbread...

Tatum O'Neal buying drugs to research a role.
What role is that, HER playing HERSELF in HER life story? I know that sobriety and staying that way is no joke, lmmfao but fa real who Tatum think she fooling? A damn role indeed, her ass ain't gotta do too much research now do she...

Kevin Federline being named Father of the year?
And get this yall, a damn nightclub named him father of the year, not a Father Committee, not a Single Dad Social Meeting Club, but a nightclub???? How you gon be father of the year with that fools credentials, he left his pregnant baby momma for another chick didn't he? The Pic below screams Father of the Year tho....

CHRISSY!!! GTFOH with that K-Fed thing..4 real?? lmao wwoooooooow
i am not lying bammy, i was bout ready to post this and i read that shit @ and laughed so hard
is that brit brit's boy? he's gotten really cute. his hair turned black because they were both born blond. awwww, you betta be a good father for the camera k-fed. now how are your girls doing? you do remember you have two other daughters with shar jackson? yes i know she's an ugly beast but so is brit brit at this point. yes i know brit brit wasn't always that way, but it's all the same at this point.
how much ya'll wanna bet rhianna will be the next britney spears. i can just see her lil dumb ass gettin knocked up by a bouncer at a club after her a chris brown break up and he outs some of her sexual antics. okay i'm done.
Someone actually wants to have they kids lookin' like Clay, that is not cool at ALL!
:::Marcus LANGFORD:::
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