In our quest to take over the world and make everyone just as ditzy as us, we need a some help from you. Now this is top secret and you can't tell anyone and if you do we'll be forced to sit you in a dark room and play all the bad celeb sex tapes ever made, you know how many there are? I'm sure you wouldn't want any of them etched in your mind so gives us you full attention. It's that time of year when the Black Weblogs Award are taking nominations for the cool blogs around the world. They have many different categories that any kind of blog can fall under. And it's a prestigious thing in the blogosphere. So this is where we need your help, go and nominate 2DB for a weblog award. Here are the categories we fall under
~Best New Blog
~Best Post Series (Why Wednesday would be awesome for this)
~Best Group Blog
~Blog To Watch
And not to seem completely vain and self absorbed, you should also vote for other blogs too..Just make sure they ain't in none of our categories, lol just kit-ting..kinda..So here are the links
I Got Chu Broads!!!! They only lettin u put the same web site in 5categories...Yall know u got the best humor, best new blog, blog to watch, and a couple more..
GOOD LUCK!!!! p.s. If yall win, please put my name in the "I Like To Thank My Mama"
we got cha drock, we gon make out a long ass list put all yall names on it lol thanks for voting
I'm addicted to the ditzy! Yall got my vote...also...can I borrow a few of the sex tapes? LOL. There were some that I missed.
Oh, Chrissy..Don't forget to send out our VIP invites to the after party after yall win...What Celeberty Club yall having it at?? 40/40 club, Butter, whats that Jermain Dupre club that just got shot up?? (ok, maybe not that
do they have a category for most ghetto ass footdragga blog?
yeah they do nodays, they also got a category for most hood-tastic blog based on real life situations....
Just wanted to let you ladies know I love your blog and I voted for you guys in a couple of categories (best post series, and blog to watch)! Keep it up!!!
thanks a bunch 1 ten...we surely do preciate it!
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