Burned out Blogger...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

pic snatched from Rae

Me and Bammy been slacking lately with our posts, i think we both just burned the hell out with blogging, lol coming up with stuff to post, we all over everybody else blog having fun, talking noise leaving our opinions we just BURNED OUT....we gon give yall a list of ways to tell if you need a break from bloggin' look below...

*If you can't get motivated to do a post on ya blog, and you dread doing it, lol you burned out, blogging is supposed to be fun, you don't dread having fun, you dread work, but not fun...

*You sick n tired of reading bout the same ole celebs and what they doin, take a break from the blogs

*If you have more than 5 screens open on ya PC @ once, and they all blogs, and NONE OF EM interest you, you may be burned the hell out

*If every single idea you come up with to do a post on sounds dull, and wack to you you need a break, We do this allllll the time yall, we bat ideas back and forth get started on one read it and get bored just like that with it....lmao that could just be the Ditz in us tho we haven't figured that part out yet.

* If you rather kick your computer in the nuts than look at it, you might need a break.

*If none of your regular blogs hold your attention even your own blog, you might wanna step away from the computer and relax.


Raider_wifee said...

Aww poor babies! I know the feeling... I've been sitting here since 8 am trying to come up with a post for my own blog.. and I don't have a nar nada nathin! Take a break ladies.. chillax and get rejuvenated.. why wednesday is almost here!

The Black Russian said...

we all need a break sometimes a mental health day lol...

this sh!t better work..lmao