Why Wednesday

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bahama's Why's

Why I had a whole heap of why's but I can't remember them?

Why I watched the new show Fringe on Fox and it is now my favoritest show on television?

Why I feel like telling everyone I work with to "go sit on a cactus
b!tch!" :-)

Why can't money grow on tree's?

Why do I love whying on why Wednesday?

Why I just wanted to use why as many times as I could?

Why I have some Stuffing stuffed baked snapper for lunch and why I can't wait to eat it?

Why am I salivating now?

Why I think I need to update my writing blog?

Why people still asking me about the story I started on it?

Chrissy's Why's

Why i gave up on Bammy's story bout Stacey months ago lmao

Why if she do update it imma go cop it

Why it was bout 7 men in a Buick in front of us on the freeway this morning

Why i was like damn it gotta stank in that car

Why i been having a shitty week till this morning when i put 80 cents in the machine to get a bag of chips, and two bags popped out

Why i think my arm is broke from when i risked my life going in the garage looking for my kids lost jacket

Why i watched that movie Invasion on tv the other night and was scared out my mind lmao

Why i'se fresh outta why's


Bahama said...

why i'm working on the story as we speak CHRISSY! lmao

why i'm eating some sour cream n' onion chips at a quarter to 10 in the moring?

why i think i'mma go breathe in someones face too?

MzPurp said...

Why Fringe is the best show on Primetime??

Why that baby/grown man thing was gross??

Why I can't wait for the new episode to come on?

Why Invasion is the shit!??

Why ever since I seent it the first time, I have to watch it everytime it come on?

Why that shit they throw up look like they spittin out sperm??

Bombchell said...

HA HA HA HA HA @ "go sit on a cactus"

ha ha omg where do these come from. i remember when some guy hit on me, and i ignored him, after dissing me, he said he hoped i stomp my toe on a treee! lol

chrissy: i hope u slept with the lights on

why is it hard to find a brother in atlanta?

Anonymous said...

why i want bammy to e-mail me the story ASAP when she done i can't wait....

why i swear i was scared half to def watching invasion mzp and i keep on watching it lmao

Anonymous said...

chrissy: i hope u slept with the lights on
^^^^GET OUT!! lmao i just hid under hubby for like 2 nights in a row....the 3rd night he pushed my ass away and said man up...

Bahama said...

WHY i love Fringe mzp?? that show is crazy the part where they could see the dead girls last image was CRAZY!!

WHY Bombcell think i'm playing, they really all can go sit on a cactus..bastids :-)

WHY i'm trying to remember if i ever seen Invasion?

Bahama said...

why is it hard to find a brother in atlanta?

Why is is hard to find a brother anywhere? who ain't gay, crazy or still live with their moms..LMAO!!!

Why i'm looking at this damn story and i ain't start writing yet?

MzPurp said...

@ Bammy Why I wanna kno what the father did to Pacey ol Dawson Creek ass? (memba the father was talkin bout experimenting on him??)

Why Cee was walkin on his tippy toes cussin Shotta and Creepa out last night?? Why he was bassin n shit at Creepa but makin sure to keep a good distance away from that "goon"??...LMAO!

Why Shotta a lil buff tho?? Why they been really utilizing they lil gym tho??

Why Shotta look nice in his pink n white??

Why Creepa been wearin that same suit all season??

WAIT, why Shotta face look like a shaved pussy?

Pigskin Loving Lady said...

Why I got a cold

Why the skin around my nose peeling like I got a suntan

WHy i call off sick yesterday and go to the movies

Why I was in the movies wrapped up in my baby's blanket

Why I need to find a way to quit working

Why I want to be a stay at home wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!

504 said...

why i keep forgetting about punk's to bigger punks ?

why i haven'th many whys ?

Bahama said...

Why i'm with PSLL on that whole staying home thing only I don't have kids, lol

Why i should go out and do this market research crap but i don't feel like it.

Why they why's ain't jumping damnit?

Anonymous said...

why i know mzp gon be mad @ me cause i am copping them why's super late

why shotta irked me tho and he should have left from the jump

why he was a lil buff

why mzp had to say his face looked like a shaved cat box

why creepa looked like one of them lil big head african villagers when he cut all his hair off

why he had the biggest grin on his face when he showed off that fresh cut

why he cried like a big ass bitch

why hubby gon say that nigga name is what????

why i died lmao

Tangela said...

Why I got allergies in September?

Why my nose itching like a I got poison ivy in it?

Why I wanna scream?

Why I had a yummy breakfast again this morning?

Why I am so full?

Why yesterday my lil puppy ran away and he ain't get a whoopin?

Why I wake up this morning and whoop him for what he did yesterday?

Why he ain't know why he got a whoopin?

Why I know this whoopin gone make him a better dog?

Why I look like a skraight boss this morning?

Why I always look like a skraight boss, errry morning?

Chey said...

why i saw the gs to gents last nite

why creepa cut off his braids

why when he said he was cuttin them i was like he will probaby still look the same

why bf got jealous

why my son kick the lil girl who bit him in the mouth yesterday

why she run up to me and tell on him as soon as i got there

why i almost laughed

why i told her i would get him when we got home

why i told him he did a good job when we walked outside

why i brought him home some baloons from work

why he accidentally let them go

why he cried like he was at a funeral

why bf mad at me cuz he broke

why he think just cuz its my payday its his payday

why i never abide by that rule

Anonymous said...

why he think just cuz its my payday its his payday






Chey said...

why i think my supervisor is out to get me

why she write me up for being online too much

why im still online

why im ready to find a new job

why ima wait for the pregnant girl to go out on her maternity leave and leave right after her

why they gon be mad cuz we already short staffed

Chey said...

why bf aint worked in like 3 weeks

why niggas got kids and think they can go on w.o workin

why bf be takin all the sneaks my son outgrow for his other son

why his other son older just a damn midget

Anonymous said...

why bf be takin all the sneaks my son outgrow for his other son

why his other son older just a damn midget
^^^^why i am DONE!! lmmfatfo

Tangela said...

Why I keep forgetting to send my shoes back to Victoria's Secret?

Why I hate them shoes?

Why they look better in the catalog than on my feet?

Why I got about 25 of them bodysuits they sale?

Why they always give me puzzy wedgies?

Why I be digging them out in the elevator?

Why I just notice that there are cameras in the elevator?

Why the security man never shake my hand or hand me my morning paper?

Why he prolly think I crabs or some shit?

Why he be looking at me sideways?

Why one day I'mma wipe my index finger above his top lip?

Why he gone be hooked to the smell of it?

Chey said...

why i started hidin the sneaks tho chrissy?

why my son gon pull out of they hiding space in front of bf?

why bf ask me if i hid em cuz i aint want him to take him?

why i told him that he was just too hype to take him

why i tell him when u replace em wit some new ones u can have em

why he havent bought no new ones yet

why he still goin thru my son old stuff tho

why im not givin him none of his stuff

why am i so petty

why? because its my money spent so i have the final decision

why they playin i got a man on the radio

why i got a serious head nod right now

MzPurp said...

Why it did look like a shaved poonany and I'm stickin by my why?

Why Creepa came in lookin retarded as FUCK when he showed off his new look?

Why I DIED at the sight?

Why he cute tho, as long as he keep his mouth closed?

Why they call Cee a bitch boy last night? Why he was still conning they ass!!!??

Why TJones still a fool talking bout that was a good answer??

Why TJones kill me talkin bout Creepa "lookin real nice"??...lmao!

Why Shaun/ThaRock even come on the show when he knew he had $$? Why he have to come in there w his bling bling bracelet on?

Why I died when TJones said he was blown away by Creepa??

Why they need to go'on head and give my boo a show????

MzPurp said...

Why Tangi why's just kill me??

Why she goin around askin folks to "smell her finger"??

Why my bf kick/push me off the bed last night for grabbing his nipple?

Why he hate it when I touch them lil black nips?..lol

Why do these people think I care if they goin to lunch?

Why these people here think all black people look the same??

Why i just put this bish in her place?? Why she felt stupid??

Why these people here better stop playing w me??

President Anthony Taurus said...

Why when I fart, it feel like a lot of pressure has been released?

Tangela said...

Why Anthony need to spray after got done farting?

Why all of a sudden it smell like hot Indian curry beans up in this bitch?

Why I am so offended that someone other me passed gas?

Why I'm wondering what this n99ah ate?

Why I'm guessing he had some deep fried goat smothered in nacho cheese?

Why throw some jalepenos on it?

Why his fart TASTE spicy and funky at the same damn time?


Why all my febreeze gone?

Why that fart sound a lil wet?

Why Anthony need to check his draws for a shart?

504 said...

why i like to party all the time ?

why i'm lying cause i'm a home body ?

why i feel like a ho?

why i'm lying cause i have one bf & he's the only one popping my coochie ?

why i'm bout to rob a bank ?

why i'm lying cause i have a fear of lesbians ?

Tangela said...

Why I'm wondering what robbing a bank got to do with some lesbians?

WHy i figure out this broad talking about going to the PEN?

Why she gone rob a bank and then get caught?

Why she gone be like Bonnie without Clyde...minus 2 feet?

Why is it possible to feel like a ho and she only got one man poppin her coochie?

Why I gotta feeling you got several men poppin her coochie, but she just call them all the same name so she can think she not a ho?

Why the number of men is 23?

Why her favorite coochie popper is Michael Jordan?

504 said...

why you grossed me out with michael jordan ?

why he turns me on as much as michael jackson does now ?

Bahama said...

Why i ain't even looked at that short story no more?

Why is bobble etta cumberbatch so silly?

Why i'm drained and bored and bored some more?

Why they why's were dead today?

Why next week i'mma pop a cap if the why's ain't popping?

why Dame and one tizze ain't been through?

why the males that visit this blog loves and leave us so easily?

ODARA said...

Why I totally forgot today was Wednesday???

Why nobody @Bahama reminded me???

Why I feel all sad & alone & wanna cry???

Why it's almost time for me to go???

Why I'm gonna be trippin' over my shoelaces that I wasn't suppose to wear to work tryna run the HELL outta here???

Why when I get in my car I'm gonna take my belt off cause my stomach hurt from lunch???

Why I'm gonna take my shoes off too?

Why I'm gonna hope there ain't no pedestrians in the way cause I'm gonna be speeding all the way home???

Why I'm gonna save my other why's for next week???

Anonymous said...

Why am I salivating over that stuffing stuffed baked snapper when i just had a big lunch 10 minutes ago...and you know hispanic grandma's make A LOT of food!

Bahama said...

why i am soo sorry Odara i wasn't even really checking for twitter today, i'm sorry..*sad puppy dog eyes*

why i wanna tell nina how could that snapper was and yet i wanna laugh at her talking bout hispanic grandma's?? lol

bshepjr said...

why have i never tried apple jacks?

Unknown said...

why bj i told you i'd feed them to you!!


Unknown said...

oh crap chrissy look at this it has me signed in as two ditzy, damn kinda kool...lmao

-Dame- said...

why the numbers do low today?!?

504 said...

^^^ why cause us niggas were ribbing all day in the chitty chat.

bshepjr said...

why didnt post this yesterday and why do i think bahama tryna feed me something OTHER than apple jacks?


this sh!t better work..lmao