Stormy Monday...

Monday, October 6, 2008

That's the title of an old ass blues song for all you youngsters out, anyway.... hate em, so imma just run off @ the mouth real quick bout shit that ran me hot this morning...

*The rain, and the fact that my husband think he gon melt if he get wet, he took the biggest umbrella and left me with the lil punk ass umbrella that don't even wanna open right....

*My co-workers seem to think i am fucking psychic, tell me how imma know if somebody not coming in if they don't tell me directly? Do i look like muthafucking Sylvia Brown?

*My daughter getting too damn grown for me, heffa got mad cause i told her she had to use her brush and not mine, you wanna know why she got mad, cause she know her lil ass couldn't go in that messy room of hers and find it, is that my problem, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO! i know where my brush is..

*Asking me what imma cook for dinner @ 7:15 in the morning, come the fuck on, just for that, i ain't cooking shit.....

*Shot gon take this and run with it, but i still gotta rant, if one more mexican man whistle, or yell out his raggedy ass truck window @ me while we stuck in traffic, imma shoot him....

What ran yall hot this morning......GO....


Anonymous said...

this need to be an eff it post then since yall just said eff me and ain't left nan

Tangela said...

Shit that ran me hot this morning"

**Every time I tell Tom to do something, he says back to me, "yeah, I'll do that when you stop shitting on the couch."

**I couldn't get my wig completely glued this morning

**All of a sudden one of my favorite shirts shrunk and could now fit a barbie

n0days0ff said...

he took the biggest umbrella and left me with the lil punk ass umbrella that don't even wanna open right....

^^^^^good thing your hairs already nappy or it would have looked a mess

Anonymous said...

@ nodays why you always bringing ya momma into our convos? huh, that's just not right, you know she the one with the nigerian hair not look like a brillo pad and's not her fault tho

n0days0ff said...

nigerian hair ahahahahahahah!!!!! you win for today.i cant top that

Raider_wifee said...

*My daughter getting too damn grown for me, heffa got mad cause i told her she had to use her brush and not mine, you wanna know why she got mad, cause she know her lil ass couldn't go in that messy room of hers and find it, is that my problem, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO! i know where my brush is..*


See that right thur is what I'm talking about Chrissy.. just because they can't seem to keep up with their ish.. they always want to "borrow" ours.. then it comes up missing along with everything else they "borrowed". I have the same predicament with my daughter - finally I started hiding my brush and just watched her with a smirk as she went to school looking like she was hanging upside down all night.. ROFL!

Anonymous said...

See that right thur is what I'm talking about Chrissy.. just because they can't seem to keep up with their ish.. they always want to "borrow" ours.. then it comes up missing along with everything else they "borrowed". I have the same predicament with my daughter - finally I started hiding my brush and just watched her with a smirk as she went to school looking like she was hanging upside down all night.. ROFL!
^^^^ahhahhahhahhahh good damn it cause hubby wanna try to tell me i am wrong for not letting her borrow my brush i am like nigga she STAY loosing shit i gotta teach her ass a lesson, the other day i let her borrow my lil dollar store bracelet, it only cost 99 cents, but i just bought it and when i told her to put it back on my dresser wifee, ask me what the hell she told me????? uhhhh momma i think i left it @ school in my locker iono i was like girl i just bought the damn thang and never wore it and you done lost it......that's gon be my next post, kids that loose shit and how we need to beat they ass behind it

Anonymous said...

nigerian hair ahahahahahahah!!!!! you win for today.i cant top that
^^^^bout time i won, let me thanks some folks...

i'd like to thank God for giving me the gift of talking trash

my mom for blessing me with the trash talking sexy lips i got ummmm

my kids they my inspiration

alllll my blog family too many of yall to list, but yall know who yall is...

oh and you nodays for letting me win for a change, and challenging me to come with better shit every single day.....

thanks my album is out december 23rd its called EFF A NIGGA NAMED NODAYS...

Raider_wifee said...

Lawd Chrissy.. not the dollar store bracelet... ROFL! I already know.. the whole point is IT WASN'T YOURS TO LOSE... DAYUM! Girl I feel your pain - truss me I do. They don't have no repsonsibility for their own ish, much less yours. How bout this.. let's borrow something near and dear to their hearts and then tell em we lost it at work.. I can hear it now..

Them: "Moooom where is my ________ (blank) Have you seen it?"

Us: "Ooh uhhhh you mean that brand new _____ ... yeah I took it to work and lost it - Oh well"

Them: "Waaaaaaaaaah"

Us: *evil laughs behind their backs* "Karma is a mofo ain't it"

Anonymous said...

ahhahhahhahh wifee, watch me do that shit, imma borrow a hairclip, or a cd of hers or some shit and "misplace" it lmao....

this sh!t better work..lmao