The Bammy LIst.....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I am heartbroken yall, my partner, my cyber sister, my fellow ditzy homie, has been taken from me, lol so to speak, her j-o-b limited her internet time so she not here, but she here in spirit damn it.....imma make a list (cause we know how yall love our lists,) of all things Bammy, and yall can add to the list via the comment section....WE MISS YA BAMMY

*Bammy goes by several different names, imma list a few here, Baby Bam, Bam Bam, Bammy, Bmama (that is what i think we called her back in the bossip days....) Sunshine, and several others.....

*Bammy invented a drink called the Purple Killa, lol its Vodka mixed with purple gatorade, and it knocks u on yo ass, she got me, and a few other ppl into it, and i love it good shit....

*Bammy's fav dessert is red velvet cupcakes, now mine is strawberry cupcakes, and she be like ewwwww damn that, but i like red velvet too so it evens out, lol

*Bammy aint nowhere near as ditzy as she may seem, lol she is acutally the brightest 20 some odd yr old i ever knew, she got more sense than what i had @ her age.....

*Bammy is picky bout her men, if they aint Chris Paul (with his ole 12 yr old looking ass) Or that Larry dude who spit on ppl n shit, she aint checking for ya......

*Why Bammy got more cyber friends than Tom....

*Why she waaaaaaaaaaaay in the Bahamas, and i am here in Texas, but we run this blog like its only 2 blocks in between us instead of thousands of miles.....we never argured, or disagreed bout shit since we been doing this here thang, cause she cool like that

*If it wasnt for Bammy tho yall, this blog would have been done fell on its ass, she the one who changes the chat box designs, and the page formats, and she the one who posts the music videos and certain pics that i couldnt access, she the one who keep yall up to date on all things hip hop, and when some shit aint working on the site, she will fix it, she searched for a iknow a good 2 days looking for a new c-box we all could talk in when Bobble (silent soon to be unsilent blog couldnt access the old one, thats how dedicated she is......

Well, nuff of the corniness, lol yall add what lil tidbits yall want in the comment section about Bammy, and later on i will e-mail this whole link to her, it will cheer her up, so yall BE NICE....


Anonymous said...


MzPurp said...


Hurry back Bammy, and eff yo job w they silly string spraying, fire-cracker lightin arse! They can do alla dat but limit ur innanet!

I'll kick they arse if u want me to!

Tangela said...

Eff Bammykins!

Eff this blog for never having no food!

Eff Chrissy for thinking Bammy got sense!

Eff this whole lil sentimental post!

Melissa W said...

Bammy is in the bAhamas. Well ya'll DO run this blog like you about 3 streets away from each other.

Ohhh, ya'll should put the history of 2DB together. High and lows! That would be fly, then new peeps like myself, would know whats up.

Oh yeah, MISS YA BAMMY, specially on twitter!

504 said...

bammy is always bored...

bammy is always hungree....

bammy likes pretty boys but always attracting old geezers...

bammy got lupe posters all over her wall....

bammy prolly got a whole list of topics for MN for the next month due to her absence...

bammy is a ray of sunshine even when she's pissed....

bammy picked the wrong time to let da man take us away from her...

bammy is the bestest lil baby sis i ever had....


Though Im missing you
(although Im missing you)
I'll find a way to get through.
(I'll find awa to get through.)
Living without you.
cause you are my sister, my skrenght, and my pride.
Only God may know why, stll I will get by.

Anonymous said...

*singing too cause I can't think of nothing to say*

I'll always love b-mama, she's my favorite girl, (you only get one, you only get one)

I'll always love b-mama, in dis blogging world


bshepjr said...

my sunshine.....

Bahama said...

awwwww...*fights back tears*

Thanks you guys this really made me feel better!!!

Tangelica you're a hating azz hater! tis all

this sh!t better work..lmao