Why Wednesday

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bammy's Why's

Why I every morning I keep telling myself I'm not going to complain about my job...but then i get here and sh!t just irks the hell outta me?

Why I use to meditate every night before I go to bed but I stopped?

Why I think I need to start again but I need to do it while I sit in the car before I walk in to my place of employment?

Why is working over-rated?

Why I got a bunch of money in my wallet but I can't spend it how I want to?

Why that sucks?

Why my brother says he knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that is selling Blackberry's for under $200 bucks?

Why am I so geeked about that and I told him to hurry up and get me one before they are all gone?

Why the ish better have wi-fi though.

Why I'm finished for now.

Chrissy's Why's

why i hate ciara's new song

why it just sucks ass

why i have some concerns bout from pansies to pussies but i forgot em

why i just remembered em....

why i cant stand blue bitch ass

why i cant wait to tell shep dat shit

why i cant stand mito either

why all dem niggas in that house a bunch of girlz

why i really aint got too many why's

why i am afraid that when i bend over ppl gon see my thong if i dont move my shirt down quick nuff

why niggas here will prolly love that tho

why this one dude who work here make me wanna slap him or scream everyday

why yall why's better be betta than mine....

why i was watching that T.I. road to federal pen BS, and Tiny was on there, and her voice sounds like an annoying mouse

why that spalins why she never sang too much when she was in xscape

why she reminds me of jerry from tom n jerry

why they got some cute kids tho


Bahama said...

why my co-workers are evil?

why some of them went to Starbucks and ain't even ask me if I want anything when they know i lurve Starbucks?

Why i don't know why i'm peeved about it cause I ain't got no money no way? lol

Why i feel like i'm starting to get sick?

Why I'm just taking a mini break from doing the stupid forecast i was working on?

Why Chrissy be on Wiki all the time?

Why she prolly could tell us everything there is to know about everything?

Why I been eating fruit roll ups all morning?

Why I found out my roomie stole my headphones?

Anonymous said...

why i suspected bammy roomie the whole time of the theft of her headphones

why wiki is my new homie

why i hate them kardashian sisters but i cant stop watching em

why bruce jenner dont even fit in that family of hos n trollops

why imma go think on some whys and comne back

Bahama said...

why i got some why concerns on the kardashian clan

why i can't voice them yet cause i gotta finish this forecast soon.

Anonymous said...

why imma help u bammy and voice a few

why that whole jail thing was a strighat up publicity gag

why them girls treat they momma so bad

why rob a punk ass

why kris think she her daugters friend and not they momma

why kim stay on that damn blackberry of hers

why i forgets reggie even play football all i see him as is kim k's boy toy

Anonymous said...

why everybody working

why i am also working

why i can multi task tho a bitch can work and bullshit all @ the same time

why hubby told me he mad cause i made him come quick last night

why that aint my fault

why he said its cause the shit talking i do in his ear semd him over the edge

why he need to understand that is why i do it so he can nutquick, get offa me and i can catch goodtimes before i go to sleep

why he told me i need to be a dead fish when we get to boning so he can bust it @ his own leisure

why that whole convo had me rolling cause hubby so full of shit its stoopid

why i am done telling yall bout my sex life

why i need to go do these po's and locate these part numbers

why i also need to see if some shit been shipped or not

why my new responsibilities @ work consist of me hunting down products n making sure they was shipped

why i be playing fucking colombo in dis bitch making sure gotdamn me lamps and tv's are being shipped

why yall dont care cause if yall did yall would be here ehy;n with a bitch

why imma be back with some mo random dull ass why's in a lil bit i got a tv to track down.....

Bahama said...

why Chrissy so damn stupid?

why i'mma voice for Kardashian concerns.

Why them heffa's talk to they mama so bad?

Why if that was me, i'd prolly be dead.

Why I wanna know so bad if the twin from ATL (Khloe's bestie) is gonna be in any more movies?

Why i almost deaded when Bruce asked Khloe if she thought she should lose some weight before she did the Peta photoshoot?

Why all them heffa's so dramatical?

Why Kourtney was so mad with her mom and it took her so long to forgive her own mother but when her ugly bf was "cheating" on her she forgave him so damn quick?

Why the two younger girls (bruce's girls) prolly hope that when they get older they are gonna have the same bodies their half sisters have?

Why i keep telling myself I ain't gon watch the show no more and then somehow i end up watching it?

Bahama said...

why for the last couple of weeks the why's been as dead as Ashanti's singing career?

why i don't appreciate that at all?

why the why's need to get back to what they once were?

why i don't feel like working no more for the rest of the day?

why if I didn't have to do that stupid daily log i prolly wouldn't be working.

why i'mma need the why's to be brought back to life?

Anonymous said...

why imma get on kourtney's boyfriend real quick

why he reminds me of a serial rapist/killer kinda like ted bundy

why i dont know how she dated such a creppy looking dude

why them younger girls aint gon be blessed like they older sisters

why the momma aint even raising them kids cause she too busy globe trotting with her older daughters n shit

why its thursday and i am why'n

why they playing joe on the radio

why i like him and he need to come back with some shit

why my bangs wont stay de fuck out my face

why they distractin me

why they damn near blinding me

why i have to resort to why'n bout my bangs

why i blame it on yall cause yall know good n damn well yall need to be in here why'n

why on goodtimes last night james was getting dressed for yet another job he aint gon get and florida gon say JAMES U GOT ON YO' GOING TO FUNERAL SUIT...

why i died

why i STAY finding shit on that show that concerns me


why that amount of pay killed my soul

why 4.25 was baller money for james and them

why imma be back with some mo when i get bored....

504 said...

why he said its cause the shit talking i do in his ear semd him over the edge

why he need to understand that is why i do it so he can nutquick, get offa me and i can catch goodtimes before i go to sleep

^^^ why this may be the cause of my why's disappearing in my head ?

why the chitty chat acting a donkey ?

504 said...

why on goodtimes, JJ told the housing authority (some white man) "cause we ain't got no heat, stoney" ?

why that shit had me dying ?

why i met my bosses wife ?

why she's a homely lil thang ?

why she talks as much as her hubby ?

why i bet ain't a quiet day in their house ?

why they got bout 5 kids ?

Anonymous said...

why bobble said she a homely lil thang

why i died

why i got a headache due to this hurting ass yet cute headband i am rocking

why jj made me ill bobble

why dats jodi aka aj fav charecter on the show

why aj hate goodtimes but when jj say something stoopid yet funny he be all in da mix laughin' talking bout jj sooooooooooooooooooo silly momma

why this phone needs to be shot

why if i had a gun i would shoot it into pieces

why i get tired of ppl calling and saying somebody just called me can u tell me who

why if i hear that line one mo time i swear imma hang up on the bastard who ask me that shit

why the kids think my paper shredder a toy

why they shred shit that dont need to be shredded

why i keep telling em they gon shred they lil fingers if they dont quit

why this lady is the queen of fucking womper i swear aint nobody got shit on her

why she be wanting me to do shit which i have no problem doing but i dont wanna hear the back, fore, and present ground of the issue @ hand before i do it

why she just cant give me the work tell me what she need and let me get on it

why dats too easy for her

why i think imma scream for this day is over

this sh!t better work..lmao