Chrissy''s Why's
*Why was Zach such a hustla on Saved By The Bell
*Why it was never no black ppl on that show
*Why Screech grew up to be such a mofo asswipe
*Why do ppl keep rats as pets
*Why that is all a gerbil is, a mofo overgrown rat
*Why the neighbor's cat next door don't give a damn bout nothing you tell him
*Why he sleep on my mofo steps every mornin' and when we tell his fat ass to move, he roll his kitty eyes and just sit there
*Why i call the cat suge like suge knight cause he a damn bully to all the other neighbor hood pets, punking puppies and shit all the time
*Why i Why'd bout my neighbor's cat like yall care....
*Why i wanna know how a parent not gon know her damn kid is pregnant
*Why when i listen to these stories on the news, i am baffled, and @ a loss for words
*Why tomatoes deadly now
*Why ppl still debate weather or not a tomato is a fruit or a veggie
*Why it really don't matter what a tomato is, if you eat it ya ass may get sick
Bammy's Why's
*WHY i'm so happy the Lakers won last night?
*Why Pau Gasol look like he's a lil soft battie boy though?
* Why I can't stand the damn Celtics?
* Why Ray Allen is a brachiosaurus lookin a$$ nucca?
* Why I'm eating a Kiwi?
*Why are Kiwi's so good but also damn small?
*Why do I wake up hungry?
*Why I can't get Good Morining by Kanye West outta my head?
*Why i know these why's today are goona be the best thing since sliced bread?
*Why I always wonder what they did before sliced bread?
*Why is your turn to tell us your Why's?
why i don't see no why's?
why i just wanted to have the first why?
why bammy tripping lol
why this fool here @ work sunburned from head to toe came and asked me to reserve a conf. rm. for him, and i busted out laughing @ his ass cause he look like a damn beet
why i was like damn why you ain;t use any lotion son
why he ain't find it funny and was like I BURN EASILY
why i then thought of the old ass retired dude bobble used to work with who used to say I BATHE DAILY!
why was I hoping the Lakers got sweept?
why was Kobe acting like the energizer bunny last night and kept going, and going, and going?
why I think chrissy need to consulte the CAT WHISPERER for that lil fat bastid cat?
Why B. Mama talkin bout Ray Allen lookin pre-historic?
Why I used to think he was fine (back when he had hair, now, not so much)
why I now agree with B. Mama on Ray Allen's pre-historic lookin characteristics?
why all the colors in the crayon box got the color of the crayon in english and in spanish on the wrapper part of the color
why do it matter if the damn word is in spanish or not can't the kid just LOOK @ the color and know it's red or blue or whatever, why you gotta write it out in spanish for em?
DROCK said...
why was I hoping the Lakers got sweept?
WHY Drock hating?
Why she got me LOL'n bout that prehistoric crap?
Why i still LOL @ I bathe daily?
Why i really want another effin kiwi?
Why bobble ain't came thru yet?
Why i bought this new lip gloss and everything i put it on i sing that damn Lil Mama song?
Why though my lip gloss really is poppin though?
Why me and gas prices bout to have a major effin fight?
Why i can see it now folks ain't gone be coming to work?
why am I now thinking of using the excuss "boss I can't come to work because I ain't got no gas" & I'm allergic to public transportation?
why I think it just might work, say on a friday end of the week type deal?
why my mother-in-law bring my kids up to my jobs picnic yesterday, one kid did not have on a shirt, the other still had on wet swimming trucks?
why people was asking, (why he aint got on no shirt)?
why was I mad as hell and embarassed?
LOL drock
WHY it's so damn hot he prolly didn't wanna wear a shirt?
Why it's so hot i'm seriously thinking about wearing my bathing suit top to work?
Why i can't do that though cause the top is like a magnet to
Why i'm still hungry?
lmmfatfo why i bet drock was cussing her mother in law out in her head the whole damn time
why B. Mama talkin bout wearing her swim top to work like she lil Kim?? (as long as it's not blue chinchilla, why might it be ok?)
why am i starting to get bored?
DROCK said...
why B. Mama talkin bout wearing her swim top to work like she lil Kim?? (as long as it's not blue chinchilla, why might it be ok?)
^^^why drock don't know how hot it is?
why lil kim scares me?
why crissy know I was cussing her out in my head??
why she bring my 4 year old up with no shirt on and all he needed was a WILL WORK FOR CANDY sign, cause that how bad he looked??
why i can't eat my sweet tarts in peace
why bammy needs meds for her a.d.d.
why i want drock to tell me if she was cussing her mother in law out in her head the rest of the day, cause i know her ass was
why don't I know how hot it is B. Mama, cause I'm in cold ass It's maybe in the low 80's here..
lmmfao why i wish i was @ that picnic
why a damn work for candy sign on a shirtless kid with a mad momma, and a nonchalant mother in law around a bunch of clueless white folk killing me
dang, why can crissy read my mind on me cussing my mother in law out the rest of the day, while I kept lookin at my kids shaking my damn head????
why i'm tripping offa xilla talking bout having hotsauce in your purse?
why is that funny to me?
why was the white folks lookin at my kids saying out loud "Ahhhh, they are soooo cute" but in they head they was wondering why da hell my kid ain't have on no shirt and why the other one was dripping h2o on the floor??
why do i know someone who carry hotsauce in they car...just in case??
why i know how drock feel caue my mother in law is a know it all and i still ain't fogot how she got mad @ me when my daughter was going to school and over they house all day she gon re-dress my damn child totally like i have no clue what i am doing
why imma tell this whole story in wh'y to let drock know she ain't alone in her plight against mother in laws and they meddling asses
why i sent my kid to school as usual and it was cold that day, kid had on her school uniform, a white shirt, a jumper dress, tights and her mary jane shoes her coat on top of that
why when they brought her home yall (i was pregnant with mt 2nd kid @ the time and too mofo fat to drive) anyway why when they brought her home and i got her ready for her bath, her ass had an undershirt on under her uniform shirt AND some socks on over her tights
why i was like lex, why you got all these xtra clothes on she told me that her granny said i don't dress her right for the cold weather so she went out drock, and bought my kid under shirts, and sweaters, and socks, and peti coats, lmmfao and long johns and all kinda shit
why i was like da hell???? she get in the car, ride to school in the damn heated car, get dropped off in front of the school that is also heated so why she need a damn sweater on over top a long sleeved shirt with an undershirt on under that
lmmfao why my mother in law was like she is a little girl and should dress like one that is why she needs dresses with petticoats and tights and blah blah blah
why i was like this is not little house on the damn praire her ass don't need petticoat dresses
why we stay clashing over how i need to raise my daughter
why i love her but she still meddle in shit all the damn time
the end....
why was the white folks lookin at my kids saying out loud "Ahhhh, they are soooo cute" but in they head they was wondering why da hell my kid ain't have on no shirt and why the other one was dripping h2o on the floor??
^^^^^ why i hate when they talk to my kids @ all here @ my job, cause my daughter gon give em attitude, and my son gon talk mad shit and they ass still wanna say awwwwwwww they so adorable knowing damn well they thinking my kids is some brats lmao
why i was like this is not little house on the damn praire her ass don't need petticoat dresses
^^^^why am I LMBAO on crissy's story..and WHY did your mother in law put socks on over yo childs tights??? (I can't comprehend this move lol)
drock, why i have no clue why she did that, i was hotter than a paris hilton's vay jay jay during a flare up....
why i need to go on the other side of the island right now?
why i'm pisssed?
why i'm know them ppl that ride camels are happy as hell?
why bobble ass still ain't why'd
why this why wednesday was supposed to be crunk but my ass gotta pack for the damn move
why i ain't packing shit else
why my damn arm hurt like i slept on it
why this heifer done bought the same damn coach purse i wanted cow
LOL! @ Chrissy's why about the sun burn!
Ok now for me to join in with the WHY's!
Why am I just learning about this blog! I luv it!
Why do I have to be at work today?
Why was I about to call out today because I didn't feel like hearing any stories about my boss' daughter who has a new boyfriend but he got 2 kids and his ex live with him? **Yea all of that, this is what I have to hear about every day when I come to work**
Why did I pay $4.25 in gas last night?
Why do people think that I don't kno they come behind my computer to see what I'm typing or what website I'm on?? **happenin as I type this**
Ok that's all the WHY's I have for now...
why that episode of goodtimes was on last night where florida and james went to the cabin for they anniversay
why they was tryna to be all sessay and romantical (refer to flav word making up ass) and i was disgusted
why wilona ass stayed buying gifts and shit for the evans' but her ass stayed in the damn projects too
why if it was such a bad neighborhood, michael got to go out and play all the time
why wilona ass was always having dinner parties??????
why florida have a mofo rich cousin but they was broke, if i had a rich cuz, i would be beggin like a mug
why florida told james on one episode they was having pork chops for dinner and that fool got mad and said pork chops was too exspensive
why i was like pork chops are bout the cheapest damn meat, lmmfao
why i always gotta why bout goodtimes
why i why bout goodtimes cause i stay having why's bout that show, that's why lmmfao
Why bammy hating on the CELTICS
Why I want to say GO CELTICS but i have to put Why in the front
Why Boston kicks Ass so much
Why i got an autographed book from the gay man that's outing all the gay men in hip hop
why i wanted to call the gay men fags but didn't want to get fired from gray's anatomy
why there ain't shit to watch on TV this summer
Why i see Jordan Sparks yesterday in a store and she look like a big ol giant girl
why I'm going to see alicia keys and can't bring no camera to put on my blog.
why i'm telling ya'll all this when i should be writing it in a damn blog
why i don't feel like blogging
LMAO @ ya'll azzes!
WHy i thought for half a second it was Friday
why am i hungry
why did i have an egg n cheese biscuit for breakfast n that shyt was bussin
why my BD and his BM got into an argument yesterday and shyt got crazy
why that shyt went down right before i got there
why he had her azz pinned up against a car
why is he an azz for that shyt
why she and i both know how he is
why they was arguin over some fukkin 15 dollah shoes???
why my BD stay w/ his dad and his YT girlfriend..whom i love n call ma in a white neighborhood so she said her neighbors was lookin
why that shyt was NOT cool
why they was disrespectin her cussin n shyt in front of ma dukes? AND they daughter, whom is 3?
why BM was yellin "Call the police"
Why they was all in that YT neighborhood actin Ghetto az fukk??? it's a time n a place and over something so petty?
Why when i got there his azz ain't say shyt to me...LOL, AT ALL
why he was actin like I did some shyt
why i wasn't mad at him for not talkin to me because he reminded me of why I am glad we are not together!
why that whole situation K spit sound like an episode of cops
why sauce say jordin sparks a big ole gir like we already ain't know that shit lmao
why all songs on the radio is some mofo bullshit
why i keeps my station on the damn old school stations now
why i think that makse me old
why i don't care tho, cause imma pop lock and drop it till the end
why imma tell bobble they got a damn old school ass marathon of dumb ass hip hop movies coming on tv one this weekend
why they showed the fuck outta the last dragon and i hate that movie with a passion
why i like disorderlies tho
why that was the ONLY movie luke from general hospital was ever in, and his ass like 102 yrs old
why he been on GH since the beginning of time
Why K saw BM pinned to a car and didn't do nothing LMAO!!!
Why K writing about it and i'm dying inside and can't keep from laughing out loud.
Why I'm hungry as hell and want to go to lunch when it's still the morning
why i want the sausage and cheese biscuit K was talking about cause i'm soooooooooo hungry
Why i'm about to die from hunger RIGHT Now
Why i'm dead
Why, after reading Bammy's Whys, did I just remember I have kiwi and mango in the fridge
Why haven't I washed and eaten it
Why am I a few days late checking out my favorite sites
HOTSAUCE....NOOOOOOOOOO, I wasn't there...this is what my YT momma was tellin me! I would have stopped that shyt
LOL @ hotsauce!
Why I think I'm about to die of hunger my damn self!?
Why this lady KEEPS comin behind my damn desk?
Why I wanna just scream at her and tell her to get the F*CK from behind my damn desk?
Why I wanna just go home on my lunch break and never come back again?
Why do these people in this office think I care about them goin to lunch? They not takin me or bringin me anything back!
Why am I a grouch today?
LMMFAO @ Hotsuace
damn it, lol yall go to MTO and look @ them footdraggaz feet when yall get the chance
Why i'm mad i missed all these why's?
Why if J don't wanna eat that kiwi and mango i can surely assist him?
Why lil kids on the corner selling mango's when just about damn near everybody got a mango tree in their yard?
Why i don't think they gone make any money?
Why now i want a mango frap. from starbucks?
WHy i changed my mund i want a mango a go go from Jamba Juice?
Why i ain't paying a damn dollar AND tax to go over the bridge and get it?
Why it was so hot when i went outside i seriously thought about getting nekid in the car?
Why guys always look at my a$$ when i'm walking away?
Why some guys don't even give a chance to walk away?
Why i can't wait to eat my lunch..Sesame Chixen!!!
Why i think i was chinese in my other life?
Why I looked at those damn pedi's and wanted to put on some timbs and start stepping all over those broad's feet.
why I think that shit is nasty and that they should be arrested and sentenced to jail for how many iches of fake tow they got on each nail
Why chrissy piss me off with that nasty mess.
why i hate black people
Why MZPURP need to cuss out her co-workers and tell them to mind they own damn business cause they ain't getting paid to sit there and watch what is happening on her screen
why i'm a gruch too
why sauce taking them damn oogly moogly nasty creepy ass pedis to heart
why they do that to they toes
why i think a damn chinese lady talked em into they shit YOU PUT ACRYLLIC HERE ON TOE TOO, LOOK GOOD
why they ass fell fa that shit
why i wonder how they avoid getting they nails stepped on
why i would step on one on purpose to see if they could feel it
why them ho's can chop some trees down with them talon toes...
Why them toes look stank?
Why them toes look like Rhinocerous toes? Eww...
LMAO @ talon toes!!!
thank you hotsauce!!...LOL!
Why i can't wait for K to see them toes...lmmfao
why i think a damn chinese lady talked em into they shit YOU PUT ACRYLLIC HERE ON TOE TOO, LOOK GOOD
^^^^ Why i'm Laughing so hard i think i farted LMAO!!
Why i hear the little chinese lady in my head saying that same thing
why i picture the chines lady wearing some platform flip flops a vest and some flowered capri's
why one of those pictures showing them mile long toe nails actually look like finger nails? And why that lady don't know her toes are as long as her fingers and how that ish ain't cute? And with toes that damn long she should NEVA, EVER, EVER wear opened toed shoes?? And why she look like she walking on her hands, but OH, those her long asss toes!!!
why them damn nail lady's talk you into all kinda shit if you let em sauce
why mark walberg can't act but he steady making movies
why his ass couldn't rap either but he wore the hell out them CK drawz
why mark could get it
why if mark 37, his brother donnie got to be every bit of 45, lmmfao and he making a GOTDAMN comeback with new kids on the block
why i'd go to the concert tho to see they old ass dance to habing tough
why new kids on the block still and never will have shit on new edition
why i picture the chines lady wearing some platform flip flops a vest and some flowered capri's
^^^Why is that the un-offical uniform of most nail!!
habing = hanging
WAIT YALL this my thing here, why all the lil young chinese girls in there either pregnant, or just had a mofo baby? lmmfao i don't give a damn what nail shop i go to it's gon be least one pregnant chick in that place
@ Chrissy, or either they goin back "home" and NEVA come back!!
Where do they go DAMMIT?
why tori spelling name her new baby stella doreen
why that name sound like the chick ya grandaddy cheated on ya granny with
why i remember my granny getting mad @ my grandaddy one time and throwing a whole damn bottle of segrams @ his head
why he was mad bout the bottle breaking agaist the wall and the liquor wasting than damn near getting killed by a glass bottle
Where do they go DAMMIT?
^^^^^^ lmmfao why i wanna know the same damn thang MzP?????
"Why i can't wait for K to see them toes...lmmfao"
LMMFAO WHY that shyt firewalled, but i did get the same e-mail i think about them different pics and these bytches had looooooooong azz toenails!
why do they think that shyt is cute
that shyt is nasty az hell man!!! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
lmmfao K why i tripped the fuck out when i saw them toes
why i bet they be cutting some sheets up with them thangs
why i bet they scare small children with em
WHy i hope all'a they azz single with that mezz...but u know they ain't you know they got a dayum "ROSCO" pumpin they head up talkin bout "my baby keep her feet done up" LMMFAO that shyt is ugly! it looks weird like ,i mean why?
This is really corny...LOL amd i'm even embarrassed to type it but WHY that shyt about them toes makes me think..."TOES b4 HOZ"...LOL yano like "Bros b4 Hoz"???NO? nevermind LMMFAO
Too funny!!!
Why am I full and happy and don't care about my coworkers anymore?
Why I can't wait to get home to my boo??
Why he tore it up last night, like he missed it?..LOL!
Sorry just thinkin about him ;)
why ya'll some crazy mamma jammas ?
why i'm mad cause since i've moved, i ain't got time to play no mo ?
why all that shit bout to end soon cause i ain't for this shit ?
why i think bammy walks backwards to the mirror so she could check out her ass b4 anything else ?
why bobble finally embracing her oldness ?
why special K got a crazy ass BD ?
why i'm ready for a nap ?
why when you clean out your purse, the next day it's twice as full as the day b4 you cleaned the bitch out ?
why i'm sleepy ?
why i can't be having nothing keeping me from my whys ?
"Why he tore it up last night, like he missed it?..LOL!"
girl, that's tha best! shiiiiiiiid i can't wait to get piped! LOL i know that shyt soundz freaked out but it's true! LOL
"why special K got a crazy ass BD "
-MANNNN he ain't crazy he just has a BAD temper, but like i said what happened yesterday just confirmed even more that i don't need him in my was actually refreshin in a weird way! i remember what you told me when we were chattin back n forth about my situation and you were right! (LOL , of course you over there like..BYTCH I KNow) HAHA
ROSCO" pumpin they head up talkin bout "my baby keep her feet done up
^^^^^^ why K you shole right, lmmfao them fools think they got a classy broad, nigga please
why bobble just now getting her why's on
why all you single heifers in here sicken me talking bout getting piped and shit
why i wanna be a pimp like yall?
Why mZpurp feel the same way i do about being full
Why sit in the hot ass car eating mcDonalds like it was steak and potatoes.
Why when i said Potatoes i think of then long toenails on them nasty chicks.
Why I'm about to go get my toes done that long so i can climb tries like a kuala bear
why i don't know how to spell kuala bear
K@LiENTe said...
"why special K got a crazy ass BD "
-MANNNN he ain't crazy he just has a BAD temper, but like i said what happened yesterday just confirmed even more that i don't need him in my was actually refreshin in a weird way! i remember what you told me when we were chattin back n forth about my situation and you were right! (LOL , of course you over there like..BYTCH I KNow) HAHA
why i more of a HEFFA i know lol
why bobble don't understand my pain
"Why sit in the hot ass car eating mcDonalds like it was steak and potatoes"
LMMFAO...OMG bytch why i can picture this shyt! And u ain't give a dayum if anyone was watchin huh? LMAO
"why K you shole right, lmmfao them fools think they got a classy broad, nigga please "
-Chriss who u tellin? LOL and yo azz got "YOUR" pipe being single isn't all that it's cracked up to be!
@ kaliente, he sure did...put me right to sleep, then I caught a 'tude cause he woke me up so I could drive home....but I'm staying over tonight!!!
@ chrissy...aww, you got all the pipe you need right at home!!!
Lol@ hotsauce and them koala bear toes! Please don't do that!!
But yea I have to agree those women have to be tearing up somebody's sheets, and what happens to the skin of the man they be laying up with? Cause I kno they try to get sexci and rub their feet on their man....
lmmfao why them ho's bet not be rubbing them eagle claws on a man trying to be sassy with it ....mess round and cut that man leg off @ the damn knee
why there gonna be a whole lotta amputated ass men chillen in the world.
lmmfao @ sauce
Why it take me so long to get on the blog everyday..not like im at work or nuthin
Why my parents always let the lights get cut off before they pay the damn light bill..shit I need my ac
Why n**gas insist on only calling after 11pm then wanna ask what u doing...well im not f*cking u if u must know
Why I just took a 30 min break, but said I was running downstairs right quick!?..LMAO!
Why is it back hot again outside, and not cool and nice like it was earlier?
Why is my boss tellin me about her mom again?
Why I'm just laughin her a** out?
Why when I was outside I walked past a construction worker waiting for the bus, and he smelled like 23,000 stank arm pits?
Why I'm gon grow my toe nails out like those women to see if they really get that long?....
Why do I like watching the show Intervention
Why does it feel like I'm watching a suspense movie
Why am I wearing flip flops at work when I know its wrong
Why did I put on my cream linen suit this morning and think of Chrissy..(it aint light blue, lol)
Why do all openly gay men sound the same.
Why does it sound like they singing vs. speaking
Why is the gay dude on my job wearing an orange suit and open toes sandals
Why he look fly though?
why that show intervention is a cruel as joke to me
why i be thiking that the peolple on that show that get high may just be fresh offa high, and when they walk in that room full of they family and what not BAM they damn high blown, money wasted, drug addict pissed
why linen suits irk me on a man PSLL
why they remind me of a damn fake ass wanna be pimp that forever smell like crown royal and brut
why they remind me of a damn fake ass wanna be pimp that forever smell like crown royal and brut
^555 Why is there always 10 of them in the clubs/lounges here in DC lol
:Why when I was outside I walked past a construction worker waiting for the bus, and he smelled like 23,000 stank arm pits?"
Why did I just slob out of my mouth watching this video.
@ K: Yes, that's what I said as I breathed in his funk!..GROSS!!!
@Pigskin: I just bussed out laughin at my desk...He was mad ass sh*T, I'm laughin to myself as I type this!! HA HA!
Why this lady is the dumbest contestant in the history of the price is right....
Someone just emailed this to me!...LOL!
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